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I decided to visit Alex in his office, because this brat needed to take a chill pill. Walking towards his office, I sighed, thinking about how difficult this job was going to be if Hamilton was constantly there.

I went up to his door, and didn't even bother knocking. Maybe I'd catch him in the act of some terrible hobby, like eating babies, that would get him fired for sure.

Sadly, when I walked in, he was writing. What a surprise. As I walked in, he glanced up, rolled his eyes, and looked right back down at what he was writing. It looked like a letter.

"Ooh writing to your long lost lover, I presume?" I asked him, a bit of snark hinting at my voice. He just looked up and glared.

"You'd love that, wouldn't you Jefferson" He asked me, his tone inflicting in the same humor as mine. I just stared at him, my lips pursed, before he shot out of his seat.

"Well I'm delivering it, and you're leaving my office immediately" I laughed and grabbed the letter from his hands. He was a short man, and absolutely could not reach it when I held it above my head. I looked up and read it aloud.

"Dear Thomas, Oh ho ho Hamboy, you writing to me?" I asked, while confusion rippled through his face. He was pressed right against my chest, reaching up, trying to grab the letter.

"That's my name moron" suddenly his face paled. He dropped his hands, which had been latched on to my wrists, and sprinted out of the room. I just watched, and shrugged it off, continuing the letter.

"Yadda yadda France... AHA! There's this annoying prick named... I actually don't know his first name, but his last name is Jefferson. He's the Secretary of State and I hate him, but damn I'd be lying if I said he wasn't cute. I haven't felt this way about someone since the first time I met John" oh my god the loser had a crush on me. What are we schoolgirls? I kept reading, because there was a few more boring things about his REALLY DUMB debt plan.

"I must say, this poor Thomas fellow really must hate himself, if he's constantly talking to HAMILTON!" I laughed, knowing there were dozens of people named Thomas, and it couldn't possibly be me, before reading the last line.

Well, I hope we see eachother when you get to America.

Had I been drinking anything, I would have dramatically spit it out. Actually....

I walked out of the room quickly, speed walking to the cafeteria/ lunchroom/ breakroom area. I saw a glass of water sitting on the table, and grabbed it. I made my way back to Alexander's office in half the time, and I was surprised I hadn't spilled all the water out on the trip.

I took a big sup of water, and held it in my mouth.

Well, I hope we see eachother when you get to America
~ Alexander

I spit out the water, it drenching every surface of the room. I did not realize how much water I had in my mouth, until it was all over Hamilton's couch.

"Well that sucks" I muttered. Hamilton would definitely be using me as a punching bag because of this. Then I thought back to the past 13 years of letters.

I exchanged letters with Alexander Hamilton for 13 years without knowing his first name.

This deserved another spit take, but the cup actually ran out of water.

"Well I'll be damned" I mumbled, thinking about what this meant.


We had been writing eachother for years, and I   had actually developed feelings for the little sleep deprived workaholic.

Then, Alex burst in the door to his office, but he never looked me in the eye. He went over to the couch, and was about to sit down.

"UH don't- don't sit there..." I warned him, not explaining why. He just looked at me weirdly, and sat down at his chair behind the desk, which was thankfully, not covered in water.

"So you read the letter?" He asked, his voice quiet for once. I stayed silent and nodded.

"So you know..." he was referring to calling me cute. I blushed a little bit, but he didn't notice because his head was looking down.

"I can't believe we wrote for thirteen years..." I started, and he looked up.

"And never realized we would like eachother until now" I laughed as he looked up, his eyes wide, as if he thought I wasn't pining for him.

"I thought you would use this as blackmail or something..." he said quietly, still astonished that I reciprocate his feelings. I walked up to him, and sat down on the desk in front of him.

"I may be an asshole, but I'm not a dickwad" I reasoned. He looked up and met me in the eyes, and we both started laughing. He wrapped his arms around me, and we were both engulfed in laughter and a hug.

Eventually our laughter died down, but we didn't move from the spot. We were content with each others presence.

That is, until we were rudely interrupted by James Madison. I'm almost positive Alex was asleep on my lap, but he was nearly awakened when Jemmy slammed the door open.

"Hamilton the recess-" he started, before he saw me, holding Alexander in my arms.


"Get out James, we're busy" I said bluntly. He kind of just stared for a minute, before backing out awkwardly. I scoffed.

"Some people" I looked down at the definitely sleeping man. He looked even more adorable when he wasn't staring daggers into my back.

He grumbled a little bit, and turned over in his sleep. I smiled warmly at Hamilton. Then he started snoring, and I pushed him off me.

"I can't live like this" I announced, as he fell off the seat, waking up immediately.

I have to say, he was not happy about getting tossed onto the floor.

"I can't believe I like you" he muttered, glaring at me.

"Well, get used to it darlin cause this is how I live my life" I said, standing up.

"And by the way, the recess ended, and Gwash wants us back to continue debating"

"Don't call him that" he said, rolling onto his back. He obviously didn't want to get up.

"What should I call him? Father? I won't call him daddy cause that's what I'll call you" I said, smirking as I leaned over his small frame, that was still on the floor.

His face immediately turned red as a tomato. I giggled internally, remembering how moronic my peers were for thinking the food was poisonous.

I grabbed his legs, and ignoring his protest, swung his body over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Damn this kid was LIGHT.

I walked out of his office to the courtroom, preparing myself for the upcoming debate.

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