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"And then this weirdo Jason Dean tried to have sex with me? But I was like 'heyo no way' and he was like 'oh ok'... babe it was WEIRD" Alexander told me. I was sitting on the couch in his office (we got it dried off) and I had my legs propped up on the coffee table (did they have those in 1789?) I was working on some dumb project Gwash assigned to me, and Alex had his head in my lap. He was laying down, but he still could reach up to my head and mess with my hair.

Which was a bad thing.

He tugged a little harder than usual, and I involuntarily let out a quiet moan. I quickly blushed and covered my mouth with my hand.

"Oh my lord you have a HAIR PULLING KINK" Alex laughed.

"Shut up Hamilshit" I said, before he pulled again, but harder. I knew it was coming this time. I didn't moan.

"Dangit Tommy" I rolled my eyes and continued working.

After a few more minutes I snapped.

"Why did Gwash have to give me so much WORK?" I cried out, very annoyed. He just laughed a bit, and continued to fidget.

"What I don't understand is why Dad- I MEAN Gwash didn't give me any work" Alex grumbled.

"It's because you finished it all 3 months in advance moron" I told him. "He doesn't have any work to GIVE you" He sat there thinking for a moment.

"There HAS to be! I can work on the... bank statement bill!" He said

"You finished that two weeks ago"

"The financial reports"

"That was done in 10 minutes"

"What HAVENT I done?" He yelled. I smiled and pushed my work off to the side.


His eyes widened, and his smile turned up into a smirk.

"You smooth motherfucker" he said. He crawled up onto my lap, and wrapped his arms around me. I leaned forward to kiss him. He kissed me, and went around to my ear.

He bit it a bit, then leaned in to whisper.

"We haven't eaten lunch" and then got off my lap.

"Mac and Cheese" I cried out, knowing I had all the ingredients.

"Like hell im cooking that devil spawn" He yelled back, not even bothering to turn around. I rolled my eyes and continued to work.

His teasing wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Hell, I tease him like that all the time too. It's just a thing we do.

I heard the door close, and I knew Alex was picking us up some lunch. That made me happy.

"I hope to god it's Mac and Cheese" I mumbled.

Some time later, after I had completely finished the report Gwash asked me to do, I heard the door open again.

"Finally Hamilton, you took WAY too long to get me lunch" I said, not looking up.

"Why was Hamilton getting you lunch?" I heard a different voice ask.

"Uh" I said, looking up to see John Adams.

"And why are you in his office? And why isn't he here working like that bastard always does?" He said, his obnoxious voice giving me a headache.

"He lost a bet" I lied. Adams seemed weary at first, but eventually believed my bluff.

He walked towards Hamilton's desk, and started shuffling through it.

"Don't do that asshole" I said, as he went through Alexander's private life.

"Why should you care? You two obviously hate eachother"

I didnt want to argue, knowing Adams was the most racist, homophobic, assholiest person alive.

He ducked down to look under Hamilton's desk.

I heard the door open again.

"Hey babe" Alex said as he walked inside. I started panicking, knowing Adams was under his desk.

"Ok Hamilton. Cool it with that dumb bet. I hate it." He flashed a look of confusion and hurt, when I motioned him over.

"What the fuck Thomas" he said

"John Adams is sitting under your desk going through your things" I said. He let out a quiet "oh" of understanding, put the box of food on the table next to me, and stomped over to his desk.

"Adams, get the fuck out of my stuff" he said loudly. I heard a loud THUMP and a quiet "ow", and then saw John head come up from underneath.

"It's not what it looks like" he said, rubbing the growing bump on his head.

"Were you spying on me, trying to get a sneak peak at the bill Im trying to pass, to make the perfect argument against it?" Alexander asked.

"Well you may or may not be right" John sheepishly said. I rolled my eyes as Alex kicked him out of his office. I walked over and slammed the door shut.

"I didn't mean what I said darlin. Sorry. It's just Adams is the most homophobic person I know, and I didnt want to deal with him knowing about us" he nodded.

"I figured. It's alright babe, I completely agree with you" I sighed with reliefs, and kissed him.

"Can we eat?" I asked him, and he laughed.

"I am starving. I made you Mac and Cheese, because I'm an amazing boyfriend"

"I wouldn't go as far as to say THAT" I joked, going to grab my food.

"Ha Ha" he said sarcastically. We both laughed, and ate our food.

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