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I woke up again, (but that's not unusual), but this time, I wasn't tied to a chair, I was drowning in honey.

"Aack *cough* Whmpt chuh HUK" I tried to yell, to no avail. The honey was literally clogging my throat.

"Wait Guys he's DYING" I heard someone yell. Was it John? I think it was.

"TOO MUCH HONEY" another screamed. I didn't recognize this voice.

The group eventually cleaned the honey off my face, and got me sitting up and talking.

"Thank god, Alexander. I was so worried about you" I heard, and looked at a guy, who was drop dead gorgeous. Around me were all my friends. Lafayette, Hercules, Gwash, John, Peggy, Angelica, and Eliza.

I turned again to the last person.

"Who the fuck are you?"

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