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I looked out the window at the sky. It was pitch black outside, and Alexander and I had work tomorrow.

"Well, John, Peggy, it was lovely seeing you two, but I should really get going, along with Alex. We have important business to attend to tomorrow" I said, gathering my things and standing up. I gave them one last goodbye, then went to fetch Alex from the bathroom. He probably fell asleep on the toilet. The moron...

"Lexi?" I said softly, opening the bathroom door. He hadn't locked it, but what would you expect from a very obviously drunk man?

When I got no response, I walked in further, looking around for him.


He wasn't there.

"ALEXANDER?" I shouted, now frantically searching the small bathroom for any sign of my tiny boyfriend.

I heard a small knock, and then the door opened a crack.

"I heard you screaming, and I assumed you and Alex weren't sexing it up in a public bathroom, so it'd be most probable that something is wr- WHERES ALEX?" Laurens said, stepping into the bathroom, with some level of difficulty, his belly getting in his way.

He quickly shuffled inside, which was really awkward and uncomfortable because this bathroom was not enough room for two and a half people.

"This is awkward" he whispered. I looked up at him from my position on the ground.

"Alexander is missing, John" I ran my hand through my hair, and looked down.

"I'm so SORRY" John cried, and hung his head in his hands. "It's a bit drafty" he mumbled, his tears suddenly ceasing. That's when I looked up at the window.

The open window.

Who the fuck opens windows in bathrooms? Not Alexander.

"Oh my god out the window now" I said, wanting to find Alex as quick as possible. John nodded, as I leaped out the window, my incredible six pack doing all the work for me.

I quickly pulled myself onto the grass, and look around for Alexander.

"Babe?" I called out, looking around.

"Alright I'm- no, I'm stuck- WAIT no- no I am definitely stuck" John said behind me, his pregnancy keeping him from getting out of the window. "Ohmygod get Peggy, she's the only actually capable one in this relationship" I rolled my eyes, out of his line of sight, and grumbled.

"Go back inside" I mumbled, as he shimmied out of the small window, and back into the bathroom.

I walked around the small wooded area, looking for signs of my boyfriend. He had to be here. I was searching the ground, but nothing caught my eye.

"Here I am- WHAT IS THAT" John said, coming from the actual entrance of the building. I looked yo where he started wide eyed at the ground.

"It's money" I said, kneeling down to pick it up. "Have you never seen a form of currency before?" I said, venom seeping into my tone. I was stressed.

He looked HURT. "Well I am pretty poor" he mumbled, as I sighed.

"John, I'm sorry, I'm just REALLY stressed about Alex. He's MISSING" I said. He looked up at me and sighed.

"I didn't mean the money. The other thing" he said, glancing towards the OTHER shining object on the ground. I looked at it a bit closer.

It was a miniature quill. From a charm bracelet.

"Why does this look familiar?" I mumbled.

"OH remember that time I ALMOST dueled Lee, but Samuel came along and he wimped out?" Laurens suddenly said.

"Yes?" I asked, not understanding what this had to do with Alexander's disappearance.

"Samuel gave him THAT charm, for the bracelet LEE WAS WEARING" I looked up at him, worry in my eyes.

"You mean, you're telling me, the boyfriend of the man Alex once publicly humiliated, and the man you once almost dueled, has my drunk, unconscious boyfriend?" I said, worry gradually increasing in my voice as the situation got more and more dire.

John pursed his lips. "Yeah"


*knock knock knock*

"Lee, open up!" I shouted, nearly slamming his door in at this ungodly hour.

I heard a few loud thumps and a grumble from behind the door, when Samuel opened up instead of the desired person.

"What the fuck do you twats want?" He said, his British accent royally pissing me off.

"Where is Alexander?" I asked, cutting right to the point.

"To hell of I know. I havent seen the bastard-"  I had to restrain myself from preventing him from having children. "For a few years, at least" I rolled my eyes.

"What's this, then?" I said, showing him the quill. He looked at it, and then me in disbelief.

"Charles?" He shouted, turning around to the staircase behind him. I heard a groan from upstairs, and then a few more loud thumps. He came down the stairs slowly, and paled when he saw me.

"Care to explain why Jefferson has the charm I gave you, Charlie? Where did you even find it?"  He asked, now turning to me.

"Where my boyfriend was kidnapped" I said, glaring at Charles.

"WHAT? CHARLES WOULD  N E V E R!" Samuel started, before Lee quickly interrupted him.

"Actually babe" Samuel's face dropped.

"What? Is- is that where you got that money?" He asked quietly, tears filling his eyes. Charles looked down and nodded.

"I did it for us, Sammy. We needed that money, and they were willing to supply" he said. "I thought you hated him anyway" he mumbled.

"Well I didnt LIKE him, but he doesn't deserve to be kidnapped. What if I was kidnapped? You would be so WORRIED, Charlie! Imagine how Thomas feels" he was whispering by now.

Everyone was silent for what felt like hours, my panic for Alexander only growing.

"Adams" Charles finally spoke up. "John Adams paid me to bring Hamilton to him" my eyes opened wide.

"Take me to him"

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