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I heard the bells tolling to the sound of seagulls "singing" (more like screaming, really). The smell of smog and saltwater filled my lungs.

"Virginia my home sweet home, I wanna give you a kiss" I sang out. I walked off the dock and headed home, my boat had just arrived and I was eager to see my lovely home. Being an ambassador for 15 whole years isn't as great as it was put in the job description.

I sauntered up to the entrance of the old house I hadn't seen in over a decade.

"I missed you old friend!" I cried as I ran up to the stairs. Opening the door, I took my shoes off and headed straight to my office. It was very large, and had papers scattered everywhere.

"You didn't get this cleaned up in fifteen years Sally?" I called out, a tinge of humor in my tone. I went to investigate the files all over my space, when I noticed a new piece of parchment. It was actually new, not dusty and ages old. It was a letter from the president.

"I haven't even put my bags down yet..." I muttered under my breath. I gently dropped them by my feet, anxious to read what was in the pristine envelope.

"It says the presidents assembling a cabinet" I yelled. I mean, big whoop. What would that do for me? I continued reading.

"And I am to be the SECRETARY OF STATE" I cried. Jumping up and down, I looked around for anything to scream into. I could not WAIT to get this show on the road.

"I'm already set an approved?" I read. Then I thought of what this entitled. I just got home and now I'm heading into a political abyss.

"New York..." I mumbled. I really didn't want to leave Virginia; I just got back TO Virginia. But duty calls, and it's such an honor to be in the President's Cabinet.

So I left immediately. I took a long carriage ride, and believe me, those comfortable looking seats get real annoying, real quick. Each bump felt like someone was kicking my ass.

The only thing distracting me from my pain was the realization that we're a FREE COUNTRY.

Nobody was in control of America anymore. I couldn't believe it.

Giddy with excitement, I jumped out of my transport the moment it stopped. I looked around to see New York. I took a deep breath in, and then gagged.

"It smells like rotting fish!" I shouted. I looked around to see a vendor selling fish.

"It ain't rotting ya ass hole!" He shouted at me, obviously angry that I had scared away his customer. I shrugged and started walking to what I assumed was the building we'd be doing our Congressional work.

I walked yo the stairs, to be greeted by George Washington. He saw me, and shook my hand with a warm smile.

"Mr. Jefferson, welcome home!" Behind him was a small yet vicious looking man with long brown hair and a green vest. He had a bit of stubble on his chin, and he looked like he hadn't slept in a week.

"Mr. Jefferson, Treasury Hamilton" he shook my hand as well, but his smile wasn't warm, like George's, it was more threatening? I smiled back, a tad scared of the man, but I shook it off.

Walking inside, I saw my friend James Madison, red in the face. He grabbed my arm, and I looked down at him. I was concerned he had been overworking himself and getting sick again.

"What's going on?" He looked up at me, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Hamilton's financial plan is noting less then government control" he explained to me the details, as I stared at Hamilton from across the room. Something about him intrigued me, but I didn't know exactly what.

"Alright. I guess I'll go against this debt plan of his" I mumbled, only halfway focusing. My mind was wandering.

James snapped his fingers in front of my eyes, bringing me back to reality.

"You have your first Cabinet Meeting today" he told me, his expression a little too serious.

"I guess I better think of something to say" I told him, laughing as I walked away towards the little man I was supposed to argue with.

"So you're the infamous Hamilton" I said, walking up to him. He glared at me as he finished writing up whatever he was currently working on. Probably something about his debt plan.

"Fuck off Jefferson, I'm working" he muttered, sighing the paper he had been frivolously scribbling on just moments before.


Where had I seeing something like that before? I knew I 'd never actually seen the signature, but the style looked strangely familiar. I shook it off before responding.

"Whoa whoa whoa, not enjoying the hostility here" I said, stepping back, putting my hands up as if in surrender. He rolled his eyes and gathered his papers.

Standing up, he retorted.

"Not enjoying you bugging me here" I put my hand over my heart, pretending to look hurt, and gasped.


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