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*it's been like years...*

Thomas and I got married. Thomas and I adopted a kid. Thomas and I decided that, after the whole "forgetting him" fiasco, life was short, we were madly in love, and we needed to do something about it.

"Bye babe" I said, kissing him on the cheek as he walked out the front door, on his way to work. As the HECKING PRESIDENT.

"Bye Dad" I heard Philip say from behind me. Today he was starting high school (by now I've given up. He was starting whatever the equivalent to high school was back in the 1800's), and it felt like only yesterday, we got him from Eliza at the orphanage when he was just 7.

Thomas left, and I turned toward Philip, who was eating his food quietly, obviously anxious to go to a new school.

"You'll do great Pip" I said, as he finished up his breakfast and made his way out the door.

"Of course I will, Pop. I'm a Hamilton-Jefferson after all" he said, kissing my cheek, and leaving me alone in the empty house.

I had already done weeks of work in advance, so I had absolutely nothing to do, this being my mandatory break.

I decided to take a trip down memory lane.

(*loud sobs* Ok. Listen. I got the ENTIRE next part finished, accommodating for the fact that it is literally the 1800's, before I realized they didn't have photography back then. DEAL WITH IT ON MY BEHALF, ITS THE LAST CHAPTER)

I opened a scrapbook found on the top of my bookshelf, to the first page there. A family trip to Congress, because the entire cabinet insisted on meeting our son. In the picture it was Thomas, Philip and I posing in front of Gwash, Madison, Burr, and everyone else.

The next picture is Thomas and I at our wedding. We wore matching black tuxes, but my tie was magenta and his green. We both looked so much younger in those photos.

I flipped another page to see all our friends gathered around us as we introduced them to Philip, who was incredibly nervous to meet them, timidly shaking Angelica's hand. Everyone was smiling and laughing. Except Peggy and John, because they couldn't make it, and were actually at the hospital then.

The next page was when Philip was nine, and presented his very first poem. It was absolute garbage, but Thomas and I were so proud, and we kept the original piece.

The next was Philip holding John's baby in his right arm, and Peggy's in his left. Thomas was panicking, thinking he'd drop a baby, but I had faith in him. Turns out I was backing the wrong horse, because Pip dropped John's baby. Luckily, because Thomas was so worried, he caught the child just in time.

Then there was when Thomas was inaugurated. Everyone was screaming (at me) because for some reason they expected me to vote for Burr? Like? Over my husband? Thanks but no thanks morons.

Then CHRISTMAS! Instead of having each Christmas its own page, we just compiled every Christmas onto ONE page. It's hilarious seeing our set up never change over the course of like ten years, so it looks like everyone staying in the same place, and just aging there.

Then was our big fight. Thomas accused me of cheating, and I was like "no sir, I am faithful to our family and the lord" and he, after like a week, was like "k I believe you now". I'm not entirely sure WHY Philip took a picture in the middle of our fight.

Next, was Philip's first boyfriend. George... I hated that scrub then, and I still do now. The slime rat cheated on my precious bean. So Philip ended up with Theodosia BURR. Can't say I blame him. Theo is a pretty girl, and is smart too. (Please don't think of me as pedophilloic)

Then, was the picture of Lafayette's funeral. Why did I keep this in the scrapbook?!? I'm not crying you are. I decided it was best to keep this picture in a DIFFERENT scrapbook, and take it out of my happy one.

Then was each of our friends's weddings. Eliza's and Maria's, Hercules and Lafayette's, Angelica and some guy name John's, Burr and Madison's, and Samuel and George's.

Philip was a dazzling star in each of them. My son, a sun.

The very last picture in the book, a picture of Philip, Thomas and I on the day we brought him home. I could see his giant smile, with his two front teeth still missing.

I gently shut the book, placed it back on the shelf, and walked outside.

The End

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