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I carried John out of the fountain, the moment I saw his struggling with the guard ceasing. I punched the man square in the jaw, knocking him onto his butt instantly. Honestly, for a man of his size, it didn't take a lot to render him helpless.

I threw John over my shoulder, and sprinted away from the town center.

Why did you have to dare him like that?

I focused on getting the passed out man in my arms far away from here.

This is all your fault, Peggy

Let's focus on getting him away. There are only a few more feet until I reach the door to my house.

"HELP CALL A DOCTOR" I screamed as I ran inside the door of my house.

Eliza, who had had her tongue down Maria's throat, froze in place. They both immediately jumped to action when seeing an unconscious John Laurens being carried inside by me.

I was fueled by adrenaline, and thus didn't stop once until the doctor had arrived. John had woken up a couple of times, drifting in and out of consciousness.

"Peggy?" he mumbled, barely audible over the frantic cries of my other sisters and my apparent soon to be sister-in-law.

"It's ok, John. Everything is ok..." I told him, more trying to convince myself than him.

Suddenly, I heard the door literally get ripped off its hinges. This isn't an exaggeration, Hercules Mulligan actually pulled the door out of the frame, Hamilton right behind him.

"WHERE IS MY SON?" Hamilton cried out in anguish. His voice cracking made my spine tingle, and the tears flooding down my eyes steadily flowed more.

"Son?" Herc questioned, while at the same time clearing off a surface for me to lay John on. He decided the kitchen table was the best option. All of our fancy silver and china was ruined, but John was more important.

"Put him down, right here" Hamilton instructed, having me gently lay his head on a pillow gotten from Angelica's room, who (speak of the devil) had now come down from upstairs to investigate the loud racket. I bet you can imagine what happened when she saw the state of the entryway, but the moment her eyes met John's wet, shivering body, the door was soon forgotten.

We were all busy scrambling around, trying to help out John, when we actually stopped to look at him.

"Oh my god he's totally blue" I heard Alex whisper. I looked down, to see he wasn't exaggerating at all. John's whole body was a terrible shade of pale blue-ish.

"Oh god..." I mumbled. Tears were collecting in my eyes, threatening to spill down my face.

He wasn't moving

"GET THE DOCTOR HERE NOW" I screamed. You could hear the tears in my voice, but I didn't care. John was too important right now.

Suddenly we heard a knock, which was weird considering our door was on the floor.

"Wha-" I started.

"I'm Nathaniel Pendleton. Someone called about a boy in a fountain?" I rushed him over to where John was lying, blue on the table.

"Oh shit..." he mumbled. I panicked, not knowing why he was cussing.

"I- I think I left my gas stove cooking thingy-majigy on..." he muttered, looking down as if trying to remember.

"Oh my fuc- you incompetent man..." Alex started to rant. I quickly stopped him.

"Just save him" I whispered.

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