John Adams

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"The best boyfriend" I heard through the door. I gagged.

"Two men DATING in CONGRESS? That's disgusting" I leaned back against the door, trying to hear anything else. Nothing else was said, so I assumed they were eating.

I sped back to my office. I had to stop this disgusting madness. It was disgusting. Revolting. Hideous.

"Bleh" I mumbled, trying to get the thought of a man kissing a man out of my head.

"And it's completely legal too, because of that STUPID bill" I grumbled, making my way into my office. This couldn't stand. It's just WRONG to have a relationship in government, let alone a GAY relationship.

"I'll bring it up during the next congress meeting. Surely they won't let them continue dating. They're supposed to focus on the country, not eachother" I said to myself. I always thought talking out loud was better than inside my head.

*lets skip that time, round and round*

"President Washington, pardon my interruption, but I have a, sort of a public service announcement" I said, as Alexander and Thomas stopped arguing. Their relationship didn't halt their debates, in fact, it added lighter fluid to the fire. They were 12 times more vicious with eachother, because they know neither of them mean it, and because of competitiveness.

"Thomas Jefferson, and Alexander Hamilton, are closer than we think" at this, George sat up in his seat a little, curiosity gleaming in his eyes.

I glanced over, and saw Jefferson and Hamilton's faces pale.

"What ever do you mean, Adams?" George asked me. I smirked.

"These two MEN" I said, emphasis on the "men", "are DATING" everyone else perked up at the news, staring at the two boyfriends on the floor.

"Is that so?" George said, his expression smug, looking down at Alexander and Thomas. I smirked. They will be fired immediately.

Everyone else glanced at the president to see what his reaction would be.

"That's amazing" he said. Everyone smiled and clapped for the couple, as my jaw went slack.

"Wha- WHAT? How can you allow anyone to be in a relationship in GOVERNMENT? It could influence important decisions!" I argued.

"Since when have you given a fuck about the well-being of America?" Thomas asked, defending Alexander. Everyone in congress laughed, as I saw my vision go red.

"You're going to regret this" I said, as everyone continued laughing, including now Thomas and even BURR! Who was... HOLDING HANDS WITH MADISON.

Someone is going to pay

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