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Jefferson walked in, carrying Hamilton on his shoulder. What?

They must have gotten into an argument and Thomas won... maybe?

But Thomas' face wasn't smug like it usually was when he just beat Hamilton in a fight. He looked, almost, dare I say, happy?

Alexander must be pissed about being carried on Thomas, his enemy's, shoulder.

Hamilton's face portrayed no such emotion. In fact, he wasn't angry at all. He was-


He's actually blushing too. His face was to Jefferson's back, so he had every opportunity to retaliate, by punching and biting, but he did nothing.

I looked around the room, to see everyone's facial expression matching mine. Slack jawed and staring.

Wait James Madison looked almost... angry? Was that jealousy I see?

Oh it definitely was. James was smitten for someone on the floor, and I had reasons to believe it wasn't Alexander.

I decided I'd approach Madison after the meeting, and talk about it.

"Put me DOOOOWWWWNNNN" I heard Alexander cry. I expected Thomas to just drop him and walk away, but I was proved wrong.

He gently set Alexander on the ground, and then walked away backwards, pointing finger guns at him.

Alex rolled his eyes, but was noticeably blushing. He's totally pining for Thomas.

How convenient, LGBTQ+ rights are totally acceptable today, in 1789.

"Ok everyone, let's take the vote on Hamilton's debt plan" I announced, and everyone sobered up and prepared to vote.

"All in favor of his plan, raise your hand and say aye" there was a chorus of "ayes" from everyone in the room, and each person raised their hand

Except two.

"Madison, Jefferson, what is your reasoning for disagreeing?" I asked that, my voice booming throughout the silent room.

Hamilton was quite angry. I didn't blame him though. I thought Jefferson woulda voted for sure.

"Hamilton, you have one week to get the last two votes for your bill. Everyone dismissed" I said, as people got up to leave.

Hamilton was speed walking to Thomas, and he was fuming.

Can't wait to se how this plays out.

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