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So there I was, just minding my own business in the orphanage, Miss Eliza and Miss Maria cooking dinner, when the doorbell rang. Because I was the closest, I answered the door, much to the protest of Miss Maria, who was "concerned about my safety". Whatever "concerned" means.

"Hello?" I asked the two men standing at the door. They were a little familiar, but I didnt really know.

"Hi, we're looking for Eliza?" The shortest man asked. I nodded, and grabbed his hand, leading him to the kitchen where Miss Eliza was making a pizza.

"Hey Philip, who was at the door- oh hi! Alexander! Thomas! What are you two doing here? Just dropping by?" She asked, wiping her hands off on a napkin, as she left the kitchen. The short guy went and continued talking to her, while the REALLY tall guy kneeled down to talk to me.

"Hi. Philip right? I'm Thomas" he said, reaching his hand out for me to shake. I took it immediately, remembering Miss Maria's advice. 

"Walk, talk, and BE confident. You'll blow us all away, Philip"  she had to explain to me what confidence WAS, before I really understood.

I shook Thomas's hands with confidence.

"My name is Philip, and I'm a poet!" I said excitedly, as he sat down completely on the floor.

"Really? Can you read me a poem?" He asked, as I shook my head quickly.

"NUH-uh" I said. "Those are PRIVATE" he held his hands up, and laughed.

"Alright. Whatever you say Philip" he said, as I relaxed a bit.

"What's your favorite food?" I asked him. His smile was somehow getting bigger and bigger.

"Macaroni and Cheese" He said. "You?"

"I like a lot of foods, but I really like chocolate ice cream. Do you like ice cream, Mr. Thomas? What's your favorite flavor?" I asked very fast, not stopping to take another breath.

He laughed.

"I personally LOVE ice cream, and vanilla is my favorite" he said. I thought that sounded really boring.

"What are you doing here, Mr. Thomas?" I asked, tilting my head to the left a little bit. He laughed, and patted me on the head as he stood up.

"You'll see later" he said, walking back to the kitchen. I noticed him fiddling with a silver ring on his finger, which I thought was weird.

"What's that ring for?" I asked him. He looked down at his hand and smiled.

"It means I'm getting married pretty soon" he sounded really excited.

"To who?" I asked, as we rounded the corner into the kitchen.

"This mighty fine man right here" he said, having the other man that came in with him hold his hand. They both quickly kissed, much to my disgust, and the other guy continued talking.

"Like I was saying, Eliza,we're looking to adopt" he said.

REALLY? Maybe George would get adopted. Or Theodosia! Maybe Eston, or Dick, or Georges, or-

"Have you found anyone you really like?" Miss Eliza asked. The one guy shook his head, but Mr. Thomas smiled.

"Actually yes"

"Who?" Miss Eliza said as I thought the same thing.

Mr. Thomas looked down at me, and smiled brighter.

"Philip here, is quite the kid" the other guy looked down at me and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Alexander" he said, and I shook his hand too.

Pretty soon, papers were signed, and Miss Eliza was taking me on my VERY FIRST carriage ride, to Mr. Thomas and Mr. Alexander's house.

"You excited, Philip?" She asked, patting me on the hand. I nodded, and she laughed.

"Miss Maria and I will miss you, along with everyone else at the orphanage" she said, as we pulled into the driveway.

Maybe I didnt want to leave. Miss Eliza said she would miss me. Now I was starting to get doubts. Uh-oh.

But when I saw Mr. Thomas and Mr. Alexander walk outside, holding hands and smiling, tears in both of their eyes, I felt confident about the adoption.

"Let's go!" I said, dragging Miss Eliza outside. She laughed, held my hand, and followed me outside to my new parents.


"You guys are my DADS" I said suddenly, and Mr. Alexander let out a little squeak.

"Oh did I say something wrong? Are you guys-" Mr. Thomas quickly stopped me.

"No, Philip, you're perfect. This is perfect. We're both so happy, to have you in our family" he said quietly, and I smiled. I smiled so big.

Mr. Alexander and Mr. Thomas wrapped me into a hug.

I could fell tears on my face, and I knew that everything would be great, with my new family.

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