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Jefferson was really getting on my nerves. First, he had the audacity to say I only made the debt plan because I simply benefited from it. As if I were the only person to. The whole COUNTRY would, but he's too thick (thicc) headed to see that.

Then he said, and I quote "you just wanna move our money around" like... yeah Jefferson.


But never the less, I crushed him, pulling the "I was in the war card". I know it's shallow, but honestly it wasn't as shallow as Jefferson. If he was a body of water, he'd be an inch deep.

"II'll show you WHERE MY SHOW FITS" I screamed at him, bringing my leg back in an attempt to kick him in the ass. He looked genuinely scared, before George HAD to interrupt me.

"EXCUSE ME" he yelled, stepping in between me and Jefferson, before pushing us both backwards, separating us.

"Madison, Jefferson- take a walk. Hamilton take a WALK." He yelled, directing a glare at each of us before continuing.

"We will reconvene after a brief recess... Hamilton! A word" and with that he walked out, anticipating my follow. I started forward before the terrible two stepped in front of me.

They told me how I didn't have the votes. What a couple of assholes.

"Ah Ha Ha! Ha. Ha"

I flinched backward as Jefferson laughed. His laugh was hideous.

I rolled my eyes and walked away, ready to take the verbal beat down I would recurve from Washington.

I stepped inside his office, and readied myself for the lecture. His face was stern, with just enough anger to scare me into silence.

He started talking.

Let's just say, it was a long boring conversation about how miserably I was failing.

"I imagine they will call for your removal"

With this statement, I froze. My face paled. No way was I getting kicked from the cabinet on the FIRST DAY. I quickly walked out, knowing I had to compromise to keep my job. I sighed.

"They don't even HAVE a plan" I grumbled 

(I know it's short, but I have at least two more chapters coming out today, so it will hopefully make up for the length)

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