Chapter 42

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Chapter 4


Damn I thought mapapadali ang pag re re write ko sa magic circle na to para kay Sin pero mukhang hindi, but still I can work on it.

Han umalis kana, umalis na kayo, I'm fine here, my father will set me free once he cool down a bit, he just need to think.
Not gonna happen Sin.
We're leaving together.

Han please just leave, I'll be fine and beside this is my home so I'm safe but your not, okay lang sana kung nasa labas ako at least I can protect you but I'm here stuck in this cage.
Kaya nga e your stuck there so let me take you out.

Shut it! I can't focus here! Cold kung sabi at mukhang nabigla kaya natahimik.
Almost there!
Almost.......Yes! Got it! Sigaw ko ng makuha ko ang patter ng magic circle.

Unti unting nag break ng magic circle.
Finally akala ko hindi na matatapos e.
Lumapit ako sa kanya at akmang hahawakan kuna ang cage ng mapatda ako.

Han? What happen?
Alluha? Whatt happen? Tawag ko dito through telepathy but no response.
Alluha's magic disappear.
What! Fzck I told you to leave. Damn it!

Ahhhhhh! Sigaw nito ng isang light ang tumama dito.
An affliction light?.
Your father's light?
He is torturing you with that? Turo ko sa light sa taas ng cage.
He just want me regain my senses.

No time for that just leave now Han before it's too late.
I don't think I can leave.
I won't leave, alluha and I won't leave as well not unless the three of us leave together.

Shut up! Sin you can't force me to leave.
Where is the freaking door of this gigantic cage by the way, I don't see one.
There is no door.
No door?
Yes, no door?
WTF! No door!

Ah so I need to break the cage?
No, it won't as well, it's an anti magic cage so your magic won't even taint it.
Really? So how should i open this up.
Lift it.
Lift it.
Lift it.

What? Ulit dahil wow! Lift this gigantic cage? Me? A fragile lady hehehe.
Seriously Sin lift?
Yes kaya nga I told you to leave, you can't lift this up.

You may be right if I will use my physical strength, but if I use my magic I can lift it.
Han! Don't! Don't do it!
They will detect you!
I think they already did, sagot ko and try lifting it using my air magic.

Damn! it won't budge a bit!
It's freaking heavy!
Han umalis kana, I'll take care of alluha just be sure that your safe.
I told you I won't!
Ahhhhhh! Sigaw ko dahil hindi ko talaga maangat ang cage na ito.

I close my eyes and focus again to lift it and almost there ng biglang parang mas bumigat ito.
What's wrong?
Hands up! Sigaw ng mga.....

An army!
Hawak nila si Alluha.
Wrong move and she'll die! Sabi nong isa na may nakatutuk na espada sa lalamunan niya.
I'm sorry, hinging paumanhin ni Alluha.

Pakawalan niyo siya.
Utos ko sa kanila pero sinipa lang nila si Alluha kaya napa luhod ito.
Freed her Commander. Utos ni Sin doon sa boss ng army.
Greetings to you beelzebub, I am very sorry to inform you that we can't follow your order now.

The Lady Of HELLTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon