Chapter 1: Attack of the Homeless

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"'s starting to rain..let's go home...grab the ball" Cole says to me, I grab the rebound and we walk back to his house. The day was nice, but these clouds don't seem to promising. So we decide to go home. "Oh crap man..its starting to pour!" I shout out, I lift my hood over my head and we start to run home. We make it back within ten minutes and we both grab a water and slam them.

"Wow, you guys made it back fast haha" Irene ,Cole's mom, jokes. "Yeah..I didn't want to be apart of that" Cole says to her. My mom walks by "Alright...thanks for taking Kaleb , Phil and I are done arguing now..He's going to stay somewhere else for a while...bye Kaleb...Bye you guys" My mom says, she gives us hugs and puts my brother in his carrier. She leaves and Cole and I return upstairs to play some xbox.

We had no idea what lies in store for us the next day. We stayed up until three the next morning, before finally going to sleep.

A long night of playing our favorite game: CoD Black Ops 2. On our favorite game mode. Zombies.

How Ironic.

Ughhh. I groan as I stretch my body out. I look over to see Cole still asleep. I quietly get off the chair I was sleeping in and crept around Cole's bed. I grabbed some of my clothes and went to the shower.

I changed as the water warmed up. I love the feeling of hot water. After my shower I brushed my teeth and combed my hair. I walked downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed some cereal. In the living room Cole's mom was watching TV. I sat down on the love seat across from her and watched as well.

The news was talking about a homeless man attacking a boy as he walked home from the store just 2 hours ago. The Boy apparently began to feel sick so he ran to the hospital where he is now.

"I bet that homeless man was on those bath salts" Irene says. I laughed and agreed. "poor kid...I wonder what he's sick with" I ask aloud. I finished my cereal and went to the kitchen and placed it on the counter.

"Kaleb! I got to go to work now make sure Cole knows" "Ok Irene love you" I say as she walks out the door. "Love you too"

Walking up the stairs I noticed Cole's door was open. "Coley woley!" "Shut up dude!" Cole yells from his room. I walk in and see him sitting in the chair now playing Xbox. I sit down and play with my tablet. After an hour the tornado alarm goes off. "There’s no way" I look out the window and the sky is clear with no clouds. "must be a drill" "cant be they had one last week" Cole assures.

Sort of worried, we both walked downstairs and checked the news. "The city of Midland MI. Needs to evacuate. New virus has been discovered there and the hospital has been infected. It is spreading quick Evacuate now"

I look at Cole. "fuck man.....lets pack our bags" Cole says. We run upstairs and start packing. Cole doesn’t live close to the hospital but its still within 10 miles. Which worries me. Things could go wrong in a fraction of time.

We ran down the stairs and outside where parents and kids were piling into cars. We started running down Bay City road to his grandparents where his Dad stored his Harley while he was away for work, he was a trucker and was somewhere in Indiana. His grandparents had called us and let us know that they already left. We took the tarp off the bike. Cole went inside and got the keys. I hopped on and started it and Cole got on the back. I was nervous to drive a motorcycle with both Cole and I on it.

Driving down Bay City road sucked as it was full of traffic leaving the city. Luckily we could weave with the bike. "What about my mom dude?" Cole rings into my ear. I think about Irene for a short period "Call her" I say. He gets his phone out and calls her at her work. Cars are flooding the streets and I speed up on the highway. "Mom.....Yea we have Dads bike.....Going to Kaleb’ us there please? Okay love you." Cole hangs up and we head off to my house.

Which is a two hour drive. Two hours that will worry us. Who knows what can happen? This adventure could be a memorable one. I pull the throttle and speed up. There’s no time to lose, some of the cars on these roads are relentless and wont even flinch. Some don’t even use their damned turn signals and switch lanes to weave through traffic. Too bad they are not on a motorcycle like Cole and I.

I weave through the traffic some more and I hear people yell at me. Jealousy hinted in their voices. I can hear some children screaming.

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