Chapter 55: Split Up

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--Kaleb's Point of View--

I reach the shore alongside Britni and Andrew. I let go of Ryan and he collapses onto the sand.He gets up and points to something. I gaze up and see feet kicking through the sand. I spot the person running. His body on fire. He drops to the sand and rolls. I take the bow off my back, I reach for an arrow but I dont feel any. I drop the bow and draw my sword. I rush towards the burning person, the flames out and he still shakes.

I quickly identify the person as just a walker. I slice the head off and punt it. Britni and Andrew have caught up to me now. "Hey...over here!" Phillip calls from the Hotel's pool.

We run and hop the fence and join the others but I notice they are one person shy.

"Rest in paradise" I say softly. "Look we can't mope around...there was already a walker on the I say we get out of" Cole says breaking the brief moment of silence. "Yeah...Cole is right...but where do we go?" Britni agrees but ending with another question. "Well...You are the leader Britni...its all up to you..where?" I ask, it seems as if everyone still pictures me the leader. Britni is caught offguard but brings an answer.

"Oh..thats right. first decision as the new leader...will be for us to make our way towards...the Upper Peninsula..of Michigan....the woods, it could be a good and secure place...even with winter coming"

"I'll respect that decision Britni..but do you know the extent of items we'll need to fortify in the woods?" Andrew asks. " family actually has a plot of land that is already cleared...." I bring to light. "Well...if we can get there, we'd just need walls...and other defenses" Stevie and Phillip say together. "How big is this plot of land though?" Britni questions me. "Well....remember Alaska..the base there?" I say , "well its about the same size...and there isn't anything on it...except a hunting blind in a tree"

They stare at me trying to imagine the area, I have it pictured in my head already. They stop staring and Britni hops a fence, we follow her towards the parking lot. 

"It was great seeing you again..." I say, blowing a kiss towards the Yellow hotel where most of my memories of Jillian lie, and I salute the Blue hotel...where Renaldo rests.

We soon arrive at the vehicles. We get in, start'em and everyone drives onto the ferry. I hesitate. "Kaleb...hey..let's go!" Stevie says hitting my shoulder from the backseat. I shift into first and pull onto the ferry. I put it in park, and I feel the ferry move, it takes us across in just a few minutes.

I shift into first and eventually second and third...we keep a steady speed and get onto the freeway. 


We arrive at the lot. A thin blanket of snow covers the ground, but the temperature is above zero. We step out of our cars and everyone throws hoodies on. It isnt the warmest, but atleast its better than nothing.

We huddle together. "So..we're here...a couple walkers on the road..which means there could be do you wanna start Britni?" I begin. No one was even listening to me. Once I look up, Andrew had them all huddles in a new area, around a fire. They were talking without me.

This goes on over the next week. I keep getting ignored, as if I never was the leader before. They never take my advice and we almost lose Stevie from a lack of listening to me. The only one to listen to one piece of advice is Melanie.

The one driving a wedge between the group and Stevie. The one I thought had the most common sense has been taking everyone away from me. I feel it is because he won the fight between us. He feels stronger and must have forgotten the great things I did as a leader.

But today, we finished the second cabin, and now we are gathered around the fire pit.

It's time to make a stand.


"Stevie" I call out. "Yeah?" He says with a snotty tone.

"Can we talk...privately?" I ask him. "I guess"

We walk off behind one of the cabins, I take  out a pack of cigarettes..."want one?" I offer, he accepts and I light ours up. I inhale and exhale, then start up the conversation with " the other didn't listen to me...nearly got yourself killed...may I ask why?"

He inhales and then speaks with the smoke coming out "I felt as if your idea was dumb, and I was wrong.....but I wanted to follow the leaders orders"

The last few words to leave his mouth sting just about as much as losing Jillian and Brittany....or when I thought I lost Cole...or when my mother...well..when I had to off my own mother. I was the leader for four years, and then we decide to determine the rightful leader and this is what goes down? 

"I see...well I guess thats it man...oh" I take my cigarette and flick it, I blow my smoke in his face and throw my elbow into his jaw. I push him onto the ground and make a run for it.

I pick up my sword and run off into the woods. "Keys?" I whisper to myself, frisking my pockets. I feel the cold metal of the key and I do a wrap around.

I hear some shouts, and decide to take off for the night. I unlock the car and they are already there looking for me. Phillip's car lies right before mine. I run, slide on his hood and then notice Andrew standing infront of my door. I look at him and he doesn't raise a fist. 

"You coming with me?" I ask after five seconds of awkward silence. He nods and I open the door and start the engine. He gets in the passenger side and I shift into reverse. 

The night looks promising..."you realize...I wont be back anytime don't have to come with me" I tell him, his face twists before he looks me in the eye. "Kaleb....I want you to be leader again, Britni is good...but it seems as if -" "no one is listening to me?" I interrupt. He shakes his head in agreement. "She won though...and...shes good at one cares about my opinion anymore." "That's where you are wrong...I care and so does Melanie...and Britni hates the pressure. You need take the throne back" Andrew says. I have to consider his words.

"How?" I queston him. "Start making the decisions...and if they don't listen...then they don't deserve to be apart of our group"

"Are you..saying we should split?" "Yes..all that wish to have you lead...will go with you" "But..if Britni wants me to lead again...who'll lead the other group?" "They'll decide that themselves..but turn around...and make a stand"

I turn and drift in the snow, but I gain traction and pull back up to the others who are all standing with their weapons pointed at me.

I step out with my hands up. "Drop the guns...or I shoot!" Andrew says slamming the door. He has two pistols aimed at them, they listen and throw them on the ground. "Ok, everyone that wants me as the leader. Join me. All other's....that dont wish to have me lead....can stay here and rot."

Andrew tosses me a pistol and I keep it aimed at them. I see Melanie and Britni step over to our side, but Ryan stays. I stare at Cole, he picks his gun up and walks over to our side. Leaving Phillip and Stevie alone with Ryan. Cole taps on my shoulder and I turn to face him. He whispers something to me, then walks back. "I see where I our friendship" I cry out to the three bestfriends I'm leaving behind. We get in my car and I drive off.

What's to become of them? Or of us?

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