Chapter 2: What's Happening?

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Driving towards Sterling Heights on a motorcycle is fun. Especially when you can weave through the large amounts of traffic. Even if everyone throws little bitch fits.

Everyone is rushing to get away from Midland. No one knows whats happening at the hospital except the people there themselves. "Dude look at the other side of the highway" Cole points out. I slow down and look too my left. Three tanks and an army convoy of jeeps and infantry fighting vehicles roll towards Midland. I start to worry about Irene and many of the people in Midland.

"This cannot be good." I say. I know Cole is worried about his mom. I'm worried about Irene and my own mother.

" your dad..see where he is!" "Good idea dude!" He takes a minute to call his father. He picks up and provides some advice to Cole. I know Cole misses him. "What'd he say?" "He's wont be on his way home. If there's ever any trouble....he'll be in Florida waiting for us"

That's good to know...I hope we will see him soon.

I take off towards home. Coles phone rings. "hello?" I hear him say. "Its for you" Cole says.

"hey" the voice says. "hey Mom" I answer. "What the hell is happening in Midland?" she asks. "I have no idea but I'm trying to drive here so I love you" "drive? You don't have a license!" "I know mom...just don't worry about it" "who's car?" "Jason's Motorcycle" "You don't even have a license and then you drive a Bike!...You are in trouble" "Mom they said to evacuate and Irene is at work...calm down" "ughhh just hurry home" She says. I hang up and drive faster.

I might not have a license but I'm definitely better than these clowns.

A little while after the phone call I had to relieve myself so I pulled off onto the side and did so. Cole called his mom to see where she was. She was 30 miles behind. We decided to wait for her. I could put the bike in her trunk if we folded one of the backseats down.

We watched the cars drive by evacuating while news vans and helicopters flew towards midland.

"Cole check YouTube....I want to see whats happening and the news aint gonna give us shit" I say to him. He slides his phone back out of his pocket. "search up Midland Hospital outbreak" I suggest. He does and a bunch of unrelated videos pop up. Except one. "Tap that one" I point. He does as I request.

"Live footage from the Hospital here in Midland Michigan. The city has issued an evac. The people here aren't allowed to leave. I'm going in" The video shows a young teen. A dauntless individual. "Ok. there is security right there.....gonna break in..." The kid is dumb. He smashes a window and hops into the hospital. Its dark and screams roar. Gunshots ring. "Oh shit....what's going on...." The kid runs into the dimly lit hallway smoke from gunfire and flames engulfing the hall. Three figures run on the opposite end of the hall. One stops and runs after the kid. The kid takes off in the other direction.

The camera is dropped and it shows the kid trip and the figure run and jump down onto him. The figure is clearly a human. Grey skin and white eyes. It bites into his flesh. The camera is picked up. It shows the face of a security guard. "This is what happens when you don't follow rules.....God strikes you down" The video ends.

"Zombies.....that's not even possible." I say. "Well we just watched it happen.....the hell is gonna happen to us....we need to get our friends" Cole says. "We should worry about our family first" I say. "I guess" We look at the traffic leaving and see a familiar golden vehicle. "Mom!" Cole shouts. I get the bike and we stroll towards her.

She opens the trunk and I fold a seat in the back down. Cole and I lift the bike and slide it into the back. It fits perfect. I get in the back and Cole next to his mom. "'ll never believe whats happening" Cole starts. "What?" She asks while pulling over to the far right lane as she looks for our exit. "Well, we watched this video.....its zombies mom" "Haha very funny Cole" She says. "No I'm serious." He says. "He's right" I agree.

turning on our exit a car speeds up. We're on a sharp turn and he clips the back and we slide off to the right. "Oh shit" Irene shouts. We slide in the mud and we barrel roll. The bike hits me in the head. I go black.

--Sometime later--

As I open my eyes I notice we are upside down. I undo my seat belt. I look for Cole. He's not there. I see Irene in the front airbags out and blood down her face. Glasses missing a lens and the other shattered. I open my door but it doesn't budge. I crawl to the front and exit from the windshield as its broken. I look around. No traffic.

Its dark out. Must be like 11. I look for Cole. I see a body on the ground I rush over and see the chest compress. I flip it over and see Cole's face. He is unconscious. I frisk him for his phone. I slide it out of his left front pocket. I slide through his maze of a pass code. I call my mom. "Hello?" "Mom we got into an accident...we're about 4 miles from Mound. Irene is out and so I Cole. I'm gonna get the bike out and attempt to drive them you" I hang up before giving her time to say no and devise a different strategy. I go back to the car and open the trunk I slide the bike out with all my strength. 

I kick the stand out and let it sit. I go to Irene's door to get her out. I pull the door open. "Irene....wake up...I need your help.....Irene..." I touch her face. Cold.

I fall onto the ground. No. She can't be. I crawl back and check for a pulse. None. I tear up. Cole's lost to much family....he can't lose her.....I can't lose her....I let a tear slip before wiping my eyes. I go to Cole. "Dude...wake up" I slap his face. He opens his eyes. "MOM!" He shouts. "Cole...." "Kaleb...I already know....I tried to get her out earlier..." He stops me. "I'm sorry bro" He shrugs my hug off.

"I got the bike out....we're close to my house...I'll drive us the rest of the way." I explain. "Okay." He agrees. I notice tears in his eyes. I get on the bike and Cole hops on the back. I start the thing and drive. The streets are bare. I don't see anything but the streets. The lights are about it besides the few abandon vehicles. I don't feel good about this. I keep on to my home.

I pull down the much missed street of mine and into my driveway. No cars.

I get off and Cole is already on his way to the door. He opens it. I walk in after him "We're here!" I shout. No answer. Shit. "They must of left." Cole says. "Call my mom".

"Hello?" "Hey mom....where are you guys!" I demand. "I tried to tell you...we had to leave...State-wide evacuation.... we're on our way to Ohio" She says. "Why didn't you call back?" "I don't know" She says.

Wow. What the hell is going on. This isn't possible.

"AHHHHHH" Cole screams. I run to him in the other room. "What" I ask. "Look outside" He says. I glance through the screen door. 30 zombies attracted by the sound of the motorcycle. "Oh shit...." I say. I run into the kitchen and grab a meat cleaver. Cole grabs a butcher knife. "Ready man....we always talked about how we'd be ready for this.......I hope that wasn't just all talk" I say trying to ignite his adrenaline. Mines already flowing. 

I open the screen door and run towards to crowd and I slash my cleaver at the first one. I get the cleaver lodged in its arm. I kick its ankle and rip the cleaver out. Cole stabs it in the eye. I turn "thanks" We continue to double team the zombies. after there is one left we turn to each other. "Lets just get out of here." "Call Phillip" I say.

We start driving towards Phillips house. He never answered his phone.

I pull into his apartment complex and sprint towards his door. I try to open but its locked. "Phillip c'mon!" I shout. I pound and the door opens. "What the hell do you want!" He shouts. "Its friggin midnight what could you possibly want" He asks. Dumbfounded I look at Cole.

"Dude...are you retarded" We say in unison. "What do you mean" "How long have you been sleeping?" I ask. "Since 9 this morning" He replies. "Bro the Apocalypse is here. the zombies...our dream....well its not a dream anymore" Cole says. 

"Riiiight" He says. "Dude look. Everyone is gone. We have bloody knives. WE ARE ILLEGALLY DRIVING" I shout as I step back to reveal the empty parking lot besides his car and our bike.

"Grab your keys. We're getting Britni next." Cole says as he gets off the phone with her. "Where is she?" I ask him. "Shes with Melanie and Brittany at Andrew's they went there because he has guns and a car." He answers. I drive the bike as Phillip and Cole take his Challenger.

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