Chapter 25: Torn Thoughts

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--Kalebs Point of View--

I ran into a bedroom with Ryan. "Okay bud, get under the bed....I'll be in the closet watching okay?" "Okay" He says crawling under. I open the closet and stare through. I hear Britni shout followed by a flashbang. I hear gunshots. Then stomping around. The door opens but closes after another gunshot goes off. I get out of the closet and load my shotgun. "In here bitches!" I shout as the door opens again. I study the face before shooting. "Wrong crew to fuck with!" I shout before squeezing the trigger. The man tries to duck but the slug hits him in the head sending brain matter and skull fragments all over. 

I step into the hall to see three more men fighting Britni. Melanie is being hit in the face repeatedly. I snap and kill the guys fighting Britni. I dont think. The guy hitting Melanie twists his head and aims a pistol at me. I throw my shotgun into his hip and he falls over. I grab Melanie and Britni takes her. I run over to the guy and kick his stomach. He trips me and lands his knuckles into my ribs before I hit the ground. I get on my knees and throw a left hook into his head. I bring myself up and pull him by the shirt. He looks at me and pleads. "Didnt your mother teach you not to hit girls?" I ask. He shakes his head. I take his pistol and throw him onto the ground. "Crawl for your life" I say to him as I shoot his knees. He cries in agony and I turn to the others.

"Thats all of'em" I say walking towards Melanie. "You ok?" "Yeah....thank you" I give her a hug and move onto Britni. "What about you?" "Im fine.....thanks for finishing those guys off...." "Hey guys! its safe!" I call out. the others come out of hiding. Except Stevie. "Yo wheres Stevie?" I ask. "I thought he hid with you?" Phillip says. "Oh shit" 

I look outside and see the Jeep roar to life. "Found'em." We all walk outside to see Stevie and continue our search for Tobias.  The jeep was a tight fit for us all but we managed to fit. "How are we on ammo?" I ask. "Low" Britni says "Out" Andrew and Phillip say. I check my shotgun which has two slugs. I throw them to Britni. "I got this pistol and thats it.....hopefully Tobias doesnt need to much help" 

We arrive at the crash site in a few minutes. "Tobias!" We begin to call out. The crash site is engulfed in walkers which all turn to our shouts. "Shit! Walkers!" I scream out. I grab Ryan and draw my pistol. The jeep flies by me and into the horde. I run off with the others. "Whos in the jeep?" I ask. "Phillip" Andrew says with no expression. I noticed earlier his determination to find Tobias. He did save his life after all. I watch as the jeep crushes the bodies of walkers. I shoot into the horde clipping walkers legs before aiming at the heads. My pistol runs short of ammo and I decide to run with the others. The jeep pulls up next to me. "Get in" a unfamiliar voice says. I look to see Tobias. "Well shit" I say hopping in with Ryan. We drive off to catch the others who are already inside another house. 

"Walkers are going to have this place surrounded within the hour" Tobias says to us. "We need to this house and we need to go" He says sternly. I decide to take his order and join the others in the house" We got 10 minutes to get our shit and go!" I shout. Everyone grabs non perishables and steak knives. "That it?" I ask. "It'll do" They reply. I ride in the trunk of the jeep with Ryan.

"Kaleb" He says to me. "When will we stay in one we did in cedar point?" I sit shocked that he has called me by my actual name. I take a moment to gather an answer. "I dont know when, but I do know it is soon. We just need to gather the right tools and the right area to use" 

"Tobias" Britni says "Yeah?" "Your brother..and sister." "How do you know-" "We met them" She interrupts. "You did?" "Yes.....your brother captured us and tricked us into telling him about all of us....and your sister....he killed her" "What...where is he now?" "Dead" "Holy fuck....." He takes a few deep breaths. "We're sorry.....But its my fault shes dead" "How?" "I yelled at your brother on how he treated her....then he killed her" "Its not your fault Brit" I say interrupting. "Yeah, its not your fault....he pulled the trigger , you just stood up for her......I just wish it didnt happen" He says letting a few tears drop.

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