Chapter 31: Revenge

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--Kalebs Point of View--

When Britni screamed, We all jumped and ran towards the pool. I just slowly arrived after the gunshots began. After Melanie had shot me I havent been good on getting around. But I got to the pool and there were dead bodies. Four of them exactly. They were all walkers that came in from the back. "We need to patch the back up" Melanie says. I look at her in disgust, since when does she get to make these decisions? She adds "Maybe we should block off certain areas also" "No Mel, we need the pool. Its a way to keep fit and entertained" Britni responds. I walk past Phillip who must know I am not pleased at the moment.

He joins me with a hand on my shoulder. "Whats wrong mate?" "Well, To be perfectly clear. Melanie, she doesnt deserve to be making decisions or even adding her thoughts" "Well, we as leaders , have to listen to everyones opinion on the matter. But Melanie, well she shot you in cold blood. Almost killed ya if I am not mistaken" "You aren't, She shot me even though the walkers were dead. It was most likely revenge" "Well, anyways we should get you to your room. You need the rest and maybe we can talk there...more privately" Phillip says. He walks back to the crew around Britni, who are all arguing over Melanies opinions. "Hey guys, Kaleb and I are going upstairs to discuss this matter......hang tight and keep the volume down. We could've attracted any walkers nearby with those gunshots"

I am joined by Phillip in my bedroom. "Anything else troubling you?" He questions me. "Ryan, he has been ignoring me lately. I dont know if its because of Kyle or me just leaving him...its bothering me a lot" I respond. "Well, I have sensed a bit of resent from him also. So I believe thats the reason, he is just to young to understand the situation I'm afraid. That all?" "Jillian, she seems a little afraid of me" "Well that brother, is obvious, you did kill who you thought was her, which I don't blame you for...but I'd be a little afraid too...give it time" "We don't have time" "Why is that?" "Have you been to the roof?" "Not since we landed" "I looked down the scope of the sniper Brit passed to me. I can't tell for sure, but atleast 3 miles from us are walkers to the max." "Why haven't you spoke of this?" "Didnt know how to bring it up, and I have been resting a lot. incase I need to move" "Well...that certainly changes things...I am gonna go view this...go to sleep and I'll get ya up soon"

I lay my head down and think. I hope Ryan doesnt hate me now, or that Jillian wont be afraid forever. Melanie on the other hand, she tried to off me. So I should stay away from her. I reach under my pillow and slide a Glock 18 into my palm. I raise it and knock the clip out. 12 rounds. I slip the clip into the gun and cock it. I turn the safety on and slip it under my pillow again. My stomach throbs from pain and I take a moment to fall asleep.

--Phillips Point of View--

I finish up the conversation with Kaleb and head to the roof. Upon reaching the roof I notice Melanie sitting on the edge gazing at her wrist with the very noticeable wounds. I hadn't heard much about this incident. I decide to talk to her about it. "Hey Mel?" "Hey Phillip..." "What happened exactly...after we left that is" "You wanna know how I got these scars?" "Well, yeah.....I'd like to I could help Kaleb understand what he did wrong" I lie. " I was attatched to Kaleb. I lost my virginity to him on the ferry that day.....We had some more intimate moments in cedar point before Jillian. Then he cut me off. He juggled me. After Brittany died he came back to me. After Jillian 'died' he came back to me....I felt as if I was his rebound. Which made me feel shitty. But I didnt let it effect our friendship, so I filled in the mother position for Ryan while he fathered him. We kept it on friend only terms for a bit" "For a bit?" 

"Well.....Honestly, after Jillian arrived at cedar point and they grew closer. We had a one night stand. He wasnt proud of it, but I felt as if it were right...I know stupid of me" "Well that I didnt know" "Anyways....I wanted to die after knowing he ditched me and cut me off for some girl who we all wrote off as dead and gone. So I took a knife and cut myself to let the emotions bleed out with the pain. But they didnt. So I chose to end my life and I climbed onto this very ledge and nearly killed myself. Britni saved me. Tobias helped me forget. Tobias and I started to talk after you guys left and we even kissed once. I felt so at place and it felt as if he was the one. Then we were attacked by walkers and left, then the cannibals attacked. Tobias died. I became a wreck again. I blamed it all on him. Kaleb"

I sit there shocked. I mean half of this stuff I never even heard before. No one told me about her being suicidal or cannibals being the reason Tobi died. 

"I blamed Kaleb, and when you guys came back and saved us. The only thing I thought of was revenge. I pulled the trigger. Now he hates me and most likely wants me dead......I just..I can't handle this any longer" she wraps her arms around me and I hold her tight. I didnt even feel bad for her until now. I bring her closer and let her tears soak my shoulder. 

"You are the first person I have opened too. Britni and I have been growing apart. Thanks Phillip" "No problem Mel, I am always here should you need me" with those last words she stands up and returns to the hotel. I walk over to the sniper and peek through the scope. Sure enough the walkers Kaleb was talking about are there. Roughly 3 or 4 miles out.

--Kalebs Point of View--

I wake up in the night. My room is dark and Phillip must of let me sleep. I check the alarm and it reads 3:34 AM. I get up to piss and watch the moon. Theres no sound. I feel tired and climb back into bed.

I lay in the silence and absorb it all and think. My mind wanders.

The door opens and I think nothing of it.

A weight shifts.

I thought Jillian finally climbed into the same bed as me.

Then I felt the cold steel knife.

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