Chapter 11: The Real MVP

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I apply the brakes. The girls join me in the front to see the gunfight. 3 people with  military weapons are ripping away at the crowd of walkers and seem to be struggling. I engage rape-train mode. The pedal slaps the metal and we launch into the warzone with our brights on and the survivors hold fire as we smash through the walkers. I shift into reverse and swing around to the trio. "Mel get the Emergency door open and let'em in" I say to Melanie. She hurries to the door and lets the survivors in. Two Parents and a small child. Maybe 5 or 6 years old. "Woah how old are you guys?" The father asks. "15" We answer together. "Dont question it sir. We saved you and our ages shouldnt matter." Britni says politely. "But can one of you drive this bus? I dont exactly have my license..." I sigh placing my hand on my neck with a sly smile. "I can....I used to be a trucker. I'm used to big-rigs." The Father says. "Im Paul by the wife Sally and our nephew Jackson" He informs us. "Nice to meet ya" I reply. " did you manage to survive?" Sally asks us.

"We did more than survive Miss, we have succesfully made sanction....Cedar Point amusement park? Completely wiped from zombies!" I say excitedly. "How did your parents manage that? They in the army?" Jackson asks shyly. "Ohh noooo. We did it by ourselves....All 8 of us. Im Kaleb, Thats Melanie....and Britni. Back at the Island there is My infant brother Ryan, Phillip, Cole, Andrew and Brittany. All of us teenagers varying from 14-17 Years old excluding my little brother, I am the leader and they are my council. Your family is welcome to stay." I explain with a friendly smile. "Enough of the games kid. We dont have time for games....theres zombies trying to kill us" Paul says angrily. "Dont believe us then...But we were headed to Sterling Heights...about 60 miles North" I say to Paul as he changes route. "I cant believe Im taking orders from a damn kid" He mutters under his breath.

I become slightly angered by the fact they dont believe us. "How'd ya get the guns?" Melanie asks Sally. "Scavenged off the military down south....we were headed to Mackinac island" She replies. "Been there.....filled with canadian cannibals." Britni says to her. "I said enough of the games kid" Paul shouts. "We are dead fucking serious ya old coot! What would ya know? You fuckin been there? No. So shut your mouth or get off my bus!" I snap. Jackson cowers behind his aunt. It grows silent as Paul drives on. "Kid, I dont believe one word ya speak.....Im takin your bus." Paul says aiming his gun at me. "Paul....c'mon they saved our lives.....calm down" Sally tries to calm him. "Switch to the informative channel on AM radio." I shout. "Why....?" He asks sternly. "So I can prove Im a man of my word." I say quickly. He switches the radio. My emergency broadcast rings over the bus speakers. "Now do you see?" Melanie says. "How did a group of kids escape cannibals.....and cleanse an island of zombies?" Paul asks shockingly. "It wasnt easy. Nor was it fun, we expierenced trials of survival and during which I lost my sanity. So if you dont think a 15 year old can run a society. Then please try and stop me" I say snatching his wifes LMG and pressing the barrel to his skull. "Cool down kid. I dont have any objections....for you guys to do that, even though I'll only believe it when I see it, is deserve to lead if these events are true." He pleads. I sense his ass kissing and decide to let him live.

"Holy shit Kaleb.....what was that?" Britni whispers to me after I take my seat in the very back with her and Melanie. "I said I lost my sanity. Killing my mother and coming close to death twice and actually dying once only to be questioned by some 50 year old  didnt help that fact. I wasn't gonna hesitate on the trigger either. I'm not afraid to establish dominance." I explain. "Well next time.....chill scare me when you do that" Britni says sincerely. "Do I make a good leader?" I ask. "You'd be better killing with kindness and letting Phillip handle the rebels" Melanie says.

I decide to take her advice. I strive to be the best leader. Not a senseless murderer who actually lost his sanity.....except I did lose mine....and so did the others im sure.

After arriving in sterling heights. "Paul...go to the dealership down the road." I say nicely. Once getting there. "There are corvettes for everyone. Paul Drive one for your family, Sally take one for Me please, Melanie take one for you and Britni. Britni you are staying with me. I need company" I command. They leave the bus to get there selected 2015 Corvette's. I remember Phillips Challenger. "Britni you comfortable driving a bus?" I ask. "Yea, why?" "We are going back to Sanford beach.....Phillip's car is there and he deserves to have it." I say. "Awww I wanna drive it" "No...he'd kill me then you" I say with a straight face. "I know" After they get their cars started we start raiding pharmacies for every drug behind the counter and eventually the Lowe's for seeds and equipment. We grab some small trees to plant aswell. I also grab some box fans. By some I mean atleast 60. They are stuffed in the back. We raid the meijer down the street for non-perishables and fishing poles.

"We need to hit up a pet store" Britni says to me. "I'm on it" I pull a u-turn and head to a pet store. We choose 10 puppies and 10 kittens and set the rest free. We look around. "Anything else?" "Petfood." We divide the animals. Some take a couple kittens each and We take all the petfood and catnip and Puppies in the bus. "Okay cargo shipment uno is nearly completed. I think we now have the bare neccesities to make a thriving island with satisfied people. " I say to the crew as we get into our vehicles. We make the drive up north to Sanford and fill up our tanks. "Okay Britni....You get one Kitten for yourself. I'm taking a puppy" I say to her. "Thanks" "I saw you glaring....and you must've asked to raid a pet store for a reason" "And we set some poor animals free as a bonus"

We pull into Sanford beach and I spot our old camp. Our old Cars and Phillips. "Okay you get the bus...Have fun with the loud Pups" I jokingly say. "Up yours" She snaps with a smile. I get into Phillips car  and start it as the keys are already in it. I take the lead in our convoy of vehicles and supplies. We take the trip to Cedar Point where Andrew loads us onto the ferry in two trips. "Holy...shit..." Paul and Sally say. "Sorry I doubted ya kiddo" He apologizes. "Next time dont judge a book by its cover" "And Jackson....Cas or Dogs?" "Cats...why?" "Here..." I say handing him a siamese kitten. "Just for me...ya mean it?" He says excitedly. "Top floor of the blue hotel. Pick a room and keep it. Only one though" I say with a wink. Melanie walks with them.

"Why so much shit?" Andrew asks. "Survival..duh" I wink. "Do me a favor and get Phillip? Oh and bring him back in a I can load some of this shit up?" "Yeah...." He takes his leave.  

After about ten minutes I already want to shoot myself because of the remaining kittens and  puppies. But in the time I have chosen a Golden Retriever. The only one. I name him Furball due to his un-natural fluffiness. I see a van pull up. "Whats up man?" Phillip asks after picking his jaw up from the amount of shit brought back. "I got you your car....and a puppy for us. I lift Furball up. Oh and we got some fans and maybe 3 2015 corvettes. But one is Mine and the others are claimed. But I figured you wouldnt care since you have your car now"

"'re the real MVP" He says while bringing me into a hug and then taking Furball for a exhibition coutesy drive in his challenger. "Things are gonna get better" I say to Andrew as we finish piling shit into the van to drop off at the hotel.

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