Chapter 54: Collapse and Burn

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--Kaleb's Point of View--

After Stevie drops onto the platform I watch him swing at Britni, but the platform breaks on his end and it falls. It lands onto the other platform and Britni is ontop of him. I see her punch him three times and he puts his hands up.

They start to climb down together slowly, and Andrew returns from his panic attack.


"What the fuck!" Andrew screams at Stevie. I stop Andrew before he escalates. Stevie gives me a 'thank you' look and we all walk back to the hotel. I see a fighter jet fly overhead. "Holy shit...more military?" I say. "I hope they didn't see us.....otherwise its over" Britni says, making references to the last encounters with militia or military people. I watch the jet spin over and come back towards us. "It saw us! Get into the hotel" Phillip says.

We do as he says and take off , the jet swoops overhead just as we get into the hotel. We frantically run up the stairs. I hear glass break and gunshots. "Is the jet shooting at the hotel?" "I dont know..lets just try and hide or something..." Phillip says again. We make it to the top floor and I walk into my suite. It has a wall of pure glass, I look out and notice two jets. In a dog fight!

"Guys..they werent shooting us...they're fighting eachother...we're in their damn crossfire." I tell them, they stare at what I see and we decide to watch from here. "If any bullets hit again...we should probably go" Britni suggests. The jet flies over head, the jet behind fires two missiles.

"Oh shit!" I notice one of the missiles is coming towards the building. By the time we all react, an explosion shakes the building. Smoke starts billowing from the hotel.

"Follow me!" I take off up the stairs onto the roof. I see the jet was hit by the other missile and it's pilot ejects. I see him parachuting down, the other jet that is victorious drives right into his parachute. He is disconnected and falls to his death. The other jet is blinded by the chute. One crashes into the mean streak rollercoaster, lighting its wooden stature in flames. The other jet crashed into our hotel, he burns a fiery death. Meanwhile we are all stuck on the roof. "What are we going to do?" Melanie asks, I hold Ryan.

I notice Stevie, Renaldo, Melanie and Phillip take off down the stairs..they must be trying to find a way out through the stairs.Britni, Ryan, Andrew and I stand on the roof. "What's the plan?" Britni asks. I give her the exact details.

"This building is going to fall....and when it does...we're going to jump for the water...."

"Are you fucking insane?" Britni asks me. I have to admit, "Yes" and I provide a straight face. Britni walks off towards the stairs, but she turns back after another explosion shakes the building. "Here we go!" I scream, I notice the sky tilting. But its just the building falling. I see the water get closer and I clutch Ryan closely. I tell myself to jump on two, I count to two and jump off. I aim my feet to the water and we make it...barely. Andrew and Britni hit the water too and I start to swim down. I open my eyes and turn around, I see pieces of concrete and a bedframe sinking. I spot Britni and Andrew and I swim away towards the left, they follow.

--Renaldo's Point of View--

I lead the group down the stairs, we find the flames and explosions are between the fourth,fifth and sixth floors. "Lets go!" I shout. I jump the ledge falling two floors past flames. I get minor burns on thw way down. I hit the ground and roll.  I look to my left at flames spreading towards a thing of propane. "Oh fuck!" I try to run away but the explosion sends me through the air. I land into a pit of flames. I feel my skin burning, my hair is on fire. I reach my hand out and watch the skin bubble. My eyes start to burn and I go blind. I feel my bones heating up and my organs failing. Eventually...

--Phillip's Point of View--

Renaldo seems almost fearless and takes the fall between floors. He hits the ground and we all lean over to make sure he is safe. Then he screams out a curse word and an explosion sends him flying.

He lands into flames and burns alive. "Okay...lets go...theres nothing we can do for him" Stevie says, taking charge. He jumps down and we follow. Melanie lands next to me and almost falls back, which would of been her death. I steady her and we catch up to Stevie. He runs and breaks through a window and falls through the air. I run towards the window and jump. I notice the pool beneath us and I make the splash. Melanie does too and we all swim up, take a deep breath as the building collapses onto the beach.

"" Melanie gasps. Stevie puts his hands on his head and I just freeze.

I collect myself and we sit in the lounge chairs and watch the building burn.

--Authors note--

Well, sorry this chapter is so short. Chapter 55 will be longer and more enjoyable...I've been on a wattpad grind lately...I've updated about 5 chapters so far in the past 3 days...I think that is good for me...and I plan to get more chapters in.

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