Chapter 6: Aint Life a Beach

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 I woke up to Ryan crying for food. I was shocked that no one was awakened. I gave him so baby food and he was satisfied. I gaze over the beautiful water. Ryan is deadset on it too. I take off his clothes and put a pair of shorts on him. He is weirded out that he has no diaper.

I walk towards the water and take my clothes off aswell except a pair of boxers. I put my toes in the water and its warm enough to make me want to swim. I let Ryan touch the water and he laughs with joy. He begins splashing. He always did like water. I see Melanie wake up and panic that we arent there. "Over here!" I shout. She looks my way and is surprised that we are swimming. She rummages through her clothes and tries to find her bikini.

Soon after she finds it she is feet-only in the water complaining about the temperature. "C'mon its not cold" I yell out. She conquers her fear and goes under. She comes out and is amused by how nice it feels. "So why are you guys out here?" She asks. "We were admiring the beauty of the water, and so we got in" I answer back. "bubububub" Ryan chants while splashing the water everywhere. Melanie looked good in a bikini I noted. I see the others starting to wake up. "Melanie can I ask you something?"

"Yeah?" "Cover me when we get out" "Why?" "Im only in my boxers. and its ughhh morning" "And?" "Well you know what happens to guys in the morning?" "hahahaha" She chuckles. "Is that a yes?" "Yeah sure" She says still laughing. Ryan sees this and laughs too. Must be nice being young and not having any clue as to wahts happening.

I atleast made her think that it was morningwood and not due to her in a bikini. Everyone is in the water after a few minutes but the guys are in there boxers too. I dont feel as weird and we all have fun. Thats when I notice the flames are spreading. Looking into the distance a few Helicopters were flying over the massive fire in Midland. "Guys look. Its helicopters. There must still be Cleansed States" I shout excitedly. I rush out of the water with Ryan. I place him in a towel on the ground and Cole joins me as I frantically dig out "SOS" In the sand. Making each letter 10 feet long and 4 feet wide. The others collect rocks from the shallow coast and outline the letters we've dug out.

We end up with a massive SOS. "Now to attract attention. We need a fire over here" Britni says. Her and Andrew run off to gather materials for a small but bright fire. I siphon gas out of my bike. "Fuck it. Lets blow up the Bike. No reason for it" I say. "What?" everyone says in shock. "Yeah. It'll get the attention from the choppers most likely" I explain as I ghost ride it into the rubbish. I strike my last match and set it aflame. Everyone goes into the water.

After five minutes of flame a loud boom rocks our eardrums. I get onto the beach and fire a few pistol rounds into the air aswell. "They're coming!" Brittany screams. We all get on the beach by the SOS and wave our hands.

One chopper spots us. "Are any of you infected?" A voice booms. "No we " they scream. I just right it in the sand.

The chopper flies away. "Fuck." Andrew says. "They'll be back" I assure. We eat lunch. We scavenge for any tools around the beach for no reason. I hear a helicopter in the distance. "Guys look!" I shout while pointing out at the Camo covered Chinook helicopter. "Stay back for landing. We are the Coast Guard of Canada. You're all safe" The same voice booms. We all gather our shit and move to the landed Chinook.

"That your fire over there?" The Canadian Pilot asks. "We did it to distract the walkers" Melanie answers. "Walkers eh? We've been callin them freaks" He mocks. We pile into the Chinook and take off. "Well you'll be safe where we are headed." Another Canadian assures. "Where's that exactly" Cole asks. "Mackinac island" He says. 

We all sit shocked as we are headed to not only the island we were en route too, but with canadians that have claimed it as theres. 

--------------------------Authors Note-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sorry this one is so short. But enjoy the last bit. I consider it a cliff hanger. Also I might not be droppin updates anytime soon. I'm making chapter 7 big like maybe 4-5 thousand words.

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