Chapter 29: Tension

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--Kalebs Point of View--


Thats all that was said. I turned to the door. I looked at walkers pouring out.  This roof has no where to jump to. I draw my uzi. I made sure Jillian was behind me. I watch Phillip and Stevie draw there uzis.

The sound of the three uzis shooting into the walkers before us flooded the rooftop. I squeezed the trigger harding hoping it would increase the fire rate. Walkers still pouring in two at a time. I check behind me and Jillian isnt there. "Jillian?" I call behind me. A strange whistling sound entered my right ear. Following the sound was a trail of smoke. Then the ground shook as the door to the roof exploded sending concrete, walker bits and glass everywhere. I hit the ground with the others. I turn to my right and watch Jillian walk by stuffing another RPG into the launcher. "Damn" I say. "I picked it up two weeks like?" "Yeah...but hurry up" I answer her. She aims into the walkers that are slowly pouring out of the open hole and fires the RPG into them. She falls on her ass from the recoil but I dont have time to laugh. I stand up and run to Furball who is barking at the walkers. Jillian points to my left. I find two M67 hand grenades. I pull the pin on one and drop it. I pick Furball up and run. I trip after the shockwave of the grenade flies by. I look to find the hole in the roof.

"Lets go" I say to them. They follow me to the hole in the roof. It drops to floors. I jump down and land on my feet. I feel a sharp pain but I brush it off. I stand and look up to Stevie falling down. Jillian jumps followed by Phillip. "Come on boy!" I shout to the dog. He jumps towards me. I catch him but I fall to the ground and he licks my face. "Someone missed me" I say moving him off me. I stand up and walkers are starting to look down the hole. "Lets move!" Stevie shouts. I pull the pin of the last grenade and roll it towards the walkers. It blows them to bits and we hop down another two floors. "Ok....we'll take the stairs from here" Phillip says as we turn to the exit sign. We jog down the stairs undetected.

Minutes roll by and we finally reach the bottom. "All doors are blocked off......." Jillian warns us. We look around. "How'd the walkers get in?" "They were always in......they just didnt know where I was.....until you guys got here" She explains. "Sorry....we like to bring the party with us" Stevie jokes and I run to the door that is blocked by furniture. "Lets hurry up before they notice we arent up there still" I say removing the first piece of furniture. "Furball guard!" Jillian commands. The dog sits at attention and watches the stairs. We haul furniture this and that way until the door is revealed.

"Lets move" I say to the others as we walk into the hot Texas sun. "Couple miles to the plane" "It doesnt have enough fuel" "Well fuck.....then what?" "We need to get to the airport" "The nearest airport is about 40 miles away" Jillian says. "Well we better start walking" Phillip says.

--Melanies Point of View--

**Before britni wakes up in the car accident**

I open my eyes.  The car lies on its side. Everyone is out cold. I somehow didnt get knocked out. Moving Ryan off me, I open the door and crawl out of the car. I reach into the backseat and grab my AK-47 and cock it back. I hear voices. "These assholes" I whisper to myself. I run over and hide behind a sand dune. 

"Ils sont morts ..... la voiture est écrasé !" (They died.... the car crashed!) I hear a woman say. "Lancez une grenade pour finir à coup sûr!" (Throw a grenade to finish for sure) A man says.

I sit behind the sand dune confused. Im pretty sure I heard grenade. I look to the car just as a frag grenade lands in the sand by the car. "Oh shit" I whisper. I run through the sand and grab the grenade. I look left. I look right. I throw it at the bridge. It hits the bridge and explodes letting the bridge fall apart. Pieces splash into the water. 

I run up the hill and lay on my stomach. I set the AK infront of me.  I watch the french cannibals turn and run towards the bridge. The woman slaps the man. But then they turn towards me and run. Shit they must be on to me. I switch the AK to semi-auto and shoot the womans head. She flips onto her back and the man turns to the woman and draws his shotgun. I aim at him, smile and shoot him in the stomach. He falls onto his back and I sit up and run towards him. I kick the shotgun away from him. I kick him in the head and grab the shotgun. I hear gunshots in the distance. "Shit" I scold myself. Now they're all gonna come here.

I run towards a building and hide against a wall. I look past the wall to see if any of the frenchies are withing shooting range. I turn right into a walker. It istn facing me but I scream. it turns to me and swipes its hands. I hit it with the butt of the AK. I shoot it with the shotgun and run inside the house. I run into a bedroom and hide in a closet.

I hear frenchies outside the house. They're looking for me. I hear the front door open and footsteps through the house. The door to the bedroom im in opens.

I feel my breathing get louder and I switch to breathing nasaly. Three men walk into the room and flip the matress. I see one look straight where I am sitting.

He smiles.

I raise the shotgun.

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