Chapter 37: Patient Zero

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--???'s Point of View--

I remember when it all started.  I remember the week before specifically because it was the week I enlisted into the Army. I had already done my basic training, and was being enlisted to a base in Nevada. I wasn't sure which one exactly, but they kept me wondering.

But then I found out I was being placed in Area 51. I was overjoyed that I might find out the asnwers to my childhood questions that burned for an answer so many years ago. But those questions were never answered. In fact, not much was even answered. I was sent to Area 51 in a top-secret aircraft. Which was just about the only cool thing I got to see that day. Or any of the days really.

Most of you are wondering who I am, and all that will be revealed. But for now, let me discuss the week before this all started.

--127 hours before Infection Day--

"Private! You've been're going to Area 51......but first, anything you ever see...or ever hear about. None of it will ever leave your lips. Understand? sign this, it says that if you say anything that is classified..they have all rights to kill you....if you dont sign it...well then we might have a little...discrepancy, so sign" The general says to me. All of this happens so soon, I do not even know about anything and here I am signing my life away, oh well.

I sign the papers with initials, five different pen colors and blood and fingerprint.

Then I was rushed into the hangar, the almost alien like object was what I was taking flight in. I was in Alaska now, but once the 'plane' started, we were in Area 51 in a matter of seconds. Almost as fast as teleportation would seem to be.

I remember walking off and into another building. I was briefed on the place before being showed to my barracks. I really wanted to fight in the war, but instead I get to protect Area 51...which isnt so bad.

I spent the rest of that day getting to know the places where I'd spend my time guarding and keeping watch.

-- 100 hours before Infection Day--

"You there Mulligan! Get over here!" Someone shouts, I erupt out of bed and scramble for my clothes. They have me up at two thirty every morning and I get to sleep at midnight....I cant run of this much sleep any longer. "Private....You have a new task for seems that the head honcho at Lab 1-D needs you....It was nice knowing ya" "What do you mean by that?" I asked him. "Well....You wont be with me anymore, you'll be with him" "Oh...I'll get my stuff real quick" "Won't be neccessary, they have more stuff for you on your way private!"

I was escorted to the lab, I was quickly briefed on why I was needed. It was a crazy place really, always foggy and smelled of decay. The D in their labs name stands for dead. They performed autopsies on anything and even some tests on the dead.

It was a pretty cool place. 

By the end of the day I knew everyone in the lab, I was treated to dinner with the lead scientist and he said that he was the one who requested me. We got acquainted and I went to bed early because the following day was supposedly full of excitement.

--87 hours before Infection Day--

"Mulligan....good morning! How're you feeling?" "Thats a strange question..but I feel good and good morning to you too!" I said to him.

I walked with the professor into a room. There layed three bodies of soldiers that had died. "Woah..they look fresh" I said "They are...but thats a secret" I felt kind of weirded out by that last statement. But then we performed an autopsy on one, then the next we injected with a serum, then took his organs out. The last one the professor injected with some sort of blood serum.

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