Chapter 7: Even In An Apocalypse

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Flying over one fo the Great lakes was quite a sight. The water glinting under the sun. It was amazing. I turned back to the inside of the chopper and caught Brittany staring at me. I shrugged it off and looked over to Phillip as he was now holding my little brother. Quite odd actually considering I never took him for one to even touch a baby as we grew up. But as long as my bro was happy I dont care.

I checked my ammo in my M4 and pistols. I had a few extra clips and my cleaver was bloody. I spit on it and wipe my shirt on the blade washing all the dried infected blood on it. "So exactly why are the Canadian Coast guard on Mackinac Island?" Cole asks the question we're all thinking. "Since the apocalypse is here. We saw it as no more borders. We took this Island because of its size and already thriving economy. We moved all of our families here and now we are capturing...I mean saving any survivors in America erhem." The Soldier on the left answers. I shoot Cole a look after hearing what the Guard said he returned the glance.

"We'll be landing shortly guys....homefree." The pilot yells out. We all cheer as we are about to finally be safe. I see the Island over the horizon with a ferry on the docks. I spot a few more boats and jet-ski's also. We land ontop of a hotel and the door opens. "Hands up! All Americans step out of the copter. Guns down toss your fucking bags over. Make it quick or we kill you now!" A new Canadian yells from outside the chinook. I dont follow orders and shoot him in the knee. I am quickly shot back but only grazed. "Hold fire" A deeper voice says. "I'll take him." I feel the sharp pain of the shoulder of a rifle to my head. Then everything fades to black.

When I wake I am in a room. With a lightbulb flickering and one lonely solid steel door with three different locks on it. The air is heavy. I am underground. I try to stand up but I trip up on my chain. Im held to the ground. I check myself for any weapons. All I have is my pocket knife. I keep it in my pocket for the right time.

CLICK. The door opens and two soldiers step in. "We have your friends. And your baby brother." The right soldier says. "Our general says as punishment for the shot to his knee we shall make you watch as your infant brother is gutted." The one on the left says. I freeze as the last word exits his mouth. The soldier on the right walks over and pulls out a key to unlock my chains. He yanks me off the ground and pulls me out of the room. A dark hall with one light . I turn right twice and left once.

They throw me into a pitch black room. I hit a metal table? maybe a stool? I stay frozen on the floor feeling blood trickle down my forehead. The door opens as the same guards walk in along with the general in crutches. The light turns on and my Brother is on a counter in the back behind the general sleeping. The general sits in the stool I hit earlier. The guards wake my brother into a crying fit. But he sees me and quiets. So innocent. "Its a shame really. Knowing your little  brother is going to die because of you." "I dont know why you guys are doing this. I mean there is a fucking apocalyspe going on right now!" I yell. My brother enters a fit. They place him on a table and unravel torture devices. I stand up.

"Hmmph" The right guard grunts as he lifts a knife. He gently drags it across my brother leaving no wound. I feel for my pocket knife. Opening it up in my pocket. The guard lifts the blade. "This will be a nice appetizer" He says. I shudder. But the adrenaline kicks in just as the knife enters my brothers stomach. He screams in pain. I jump up and shank the guard slipping his pistol out of the holster and capping the general in the head. I hold the guard that knifed my brother and aimed at the remaining guard. "Stitch him up now!" I yell. He frantically applies creams and such to stop the pain. Then stitches him up. He steps back as the guard im holding dies from the slit throat. I drop his corpse and shoot the last guard in both knee caps. I take his gun and lift my brother up who is still crying.

I feel tears running down my face and his drool on my shoulder. I open the door and run down to hall. I go back to my holding cell. I spot two guards with M60 lmg's. I shoot them in the head. I run over and pick up the LMG's throwing one over the shoulder and the other in my open hand. I see an EXIT sign and run. My brother wailing. I feel nothing but regret for not acting sooner and watching the blade cut his skin. Thankfully it wasn't deep enough to kill. Plus its stitched up. But its still my brother and he's hurting.

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