Chapter 27: Houston

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--Kalebs Point of View--

The flight is almost over. "See any airports?" Phillip asks. "Nah....make a landing on that highway" I tell him. "You sure?" "I trust you"

We slow down and lower altitude until we are just above the highway and Phillip pulls a switch releasing the landing gear. "Stevie!" I call out. "Yeah?" "We're here" I answer him. He joins us in the cockpit. "Where are we exactly?" "Houston.....a few hours from the beach" "Shes not at the beach....shes actually close to here....on the roof of one of these hotels......I cant remember which one" "So she might have seen the plane?" "She most likely has seen us...lets just hope she doesnt look for us" Phillip grunts. Well we are here. I wonder how the others are. How Melanie is. How Ryan is. Im sure they both hate me.  "Uzis out......Houston is gonna be filled with far more walkers then we are used too" I say to the others being the only one with prior knowledge of Texas.

"Check around for any cars we could jump.....It'll be bett-" "Here" Stevie interrupts hopping into a black pickup truck. "Shes a beauty" "Too bad we cant keep her" "So what now? Breach and clear every hotel in houston?" "Ugh....yeah basically" Stevie groans. We drive down the highway and take an exit to pull of towards the first hotel. "Drive through the a fuckin video game" Phillip demands Stevie. The engine roars as the gas pedal smashes the floor. "Gas pedal" "Pedal to the metal" "Hail to the king bitch" We all chant as the truck smashes through the brick entrance. We just narrowly escaped. "Normally, I wouldnt have done that...but the truck had little to no fuel...." "Well.....we got two legs...we can use'em" I say walking through the smashed entrance. "Ready to use your two legs to climb up 40 floors?" Phillip snaps. "Elevator is jammed" "Everything happens for a reason" I breathe.

We start the journey up the staircase. "Oh shit" "Walkers?" "We attracted them with the plane" "Go run up the stairs......get to the roof" We begin dashing up the steps as a horde pours in through the broken entrance. We got a lifesaving 2 floor gap between them. "Keep going....dont stop" We chant to eachother as we all seem to slow down. I sluggishly reach the 23rd floor before I collapse for air. "We cant stop now!" Stevie says. "I havent done this much cardio since.....ever" Phillip says joining me for a breath. "This is your life.....tap into the adrenaline" Stevie says. I see the first walker. I raise my uzi and fire two rounds into his face. Three more come around the corner. I take them out also. Then atleast 20 walkers pour around the corner grunting and hungry for me. "Lets go!" Stevie shouts. I get on my feet and lift Phillip up. I just run up the stairs without thinking of my oxygen. The only thing on my mind is life and death.

The sounds of walkers tripping over eachother just to get to their meal first is enough to let the adrenaline take over. I feel my speed increase and I start to take the stairs two at a time. Phillip picks his pace up also. I dont even feel the exhaustion anymore. I see the door to the roof in just a few minutes. "Go!" I scream as I flip and spray into the first few walkers causing them to fall back, buying us a few seconds. I jump through the door and slam it shut. "Latch it!" Stevie shouts. I turn around and grab the latch and lock it into place. "No Jillian....but we arent going to be safe much longer" The door bulges out and a few hands extend clawing at the air.

I run to the edge of the hotel. The next roof is lower but its a far jump, it could also be bonebreaking. "We gotta jump" I say to the them. "Are you crazy?" "What choice do we have?" "Hes right...." "Well you two debate....Im going" I say retracting from the group. I walk to the edge of the hotel and face the other side. "3....2....go" I whisper to myself. I kick off and sprint towards the edge just as a bullet hits the ground before me. I flinch and dive left rolling onto the roof. "The fuck?" Stevie says. "Who shot?" "No would of heard it" 

"Well the bullet is right here....someone shot at us" I say picking up the bent lead. "Well....there is only one person I can think of" Stevie says. We all cock our heads into the direction the bullet came. In the distance ,atleast a half of a mile, stands who we think is Jillian. alongside her is a four-legged companion I once knew as Furball.

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