Chapter 28: Bloodstained

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--Britnis Point of View--

After reaching our floor we grabbed Tobias. "Get onto the roof" He says. We run back to the stairs where walkers are walking up. "Shit" I exclaim while kicking away a walker. I join the others running up the stairs. We burst onto the roof. "We're gonna have to jump into the pool" Andrew says. "Are you insane?" I ask him. "Its the only fucking way.....besides....the car is literally right outside the pool gate" "Ugh.....What about Ryan?" "I'll jump with him" Tobias says. "I'll go first" I say. I step back a few meters before running and jumping. 

I feel the air tickle my skin, then water rushing through my clothes. I swim up to see Andrew falling into the pool. The water splashes into my eyes. I swim out with him and Tobias has Ryan clutched as Ryan screams. I cant tell if hes happily screaming or hes scared shitless. But they land in the water with a smack. "You alright?" I call out. "Yeah....lets go" Ryan says climbing out. Tobias doesnt come up. "Tobias? Quit fucking around dude!" Andrew shouts. Tobias emerges with a sly grin. "You are such an ass" I say to him. We hop the gate and run to the car that has keys in the ignition already. "Where are we gonna go? We were supposed to stay!" Melanie says.  "Well.....we cant travel to far....we got a few weeks" Andrew replies. Melanie is suddenly worried about leaving? 

We take off. "What the hell......all those walkers just attacked.....after all this? When will we catch a break?" Tobias groans. "Never. Its the end of the fucking world" Andrew snaps. "Just because its the end doesnt mean anything....we have survived for almost 4 years. We just need to fight on!" I say trying to spark inspiration. "I've never felt closer to anyone, until this shit happened. I also feel as if I have a purpose" I add.

We drive in silence. 

"The bloody hell?" Tobias whispers. "What?" "Roadblock.....this cant be....military?" "Oh shit" "Whats going on?" "Nothing bud.....go back to sleep" "Slow down...weapons drawn....this could be a trap"

"Roll the window down"

"Tenir! sont l'un de vous infecté?" (Hold! Are any of you infected?) "Shit....hes speaking french.....Britni?" Tobias asks. "I got this" I reply.

"Non, nous sommes en bonne santé. Est-ce la sécurité?" (No, we're healthy. Is it safe?) I say. "Ask if its safe" Andrew says. "I did" I respond. "Oui, suivez-moi. Êtes-vous armé?" (Yes, follow me. Are you armed?) "Nous avons quelques armes à feu." (We have a few firearms.) I respond. "Nous avons des pistolets si vous voulez? Tout le monde devrait être armé" (We have guns if you want? Everyone should be armed) He asks. "Ce serait formidable!" (That would be great) I respond.

"Tobias....follow him" "What'd he say?" "We're safe here, and he would like to provide us some guns and that everyone should be safe.....but we are gonna take the guns and leave tonight" "Why leave?" "Because we are three fucking hours away from where we are supposed to be" Melanie snaps at Tobias. "Okay...geez" "What kind of guns?" "I presume pistols.....but who knows."

We follow the man slowly in our car. He takes us to a parking lot where we leave the car and walk towards a regular house. Inside there is a weapon cache of just about anything. "Its heaven" I hear Andrew whisper.

"Tout le monde en choisir un. Alors suivez-moi." (Everyone pick one then follow me) "Everyone take a gun....only one...even you Ryan" I repeat. Andrew selects a MP5K. Tobias grabs a Spas-12. Ryan takes a M1911. Melanie walks with me. She stops at the assault rifles and picks up an AK-47. I walk over to the snipers with Kaleb in mind. "He'll like this" I whisper to myself picking up a supressed M40A5. "Perfect" I whisper after looking into the scope. It has a nightvision mod.

We follow frenchie to some lean-to's. We join inside the lean-to's where we will be sleeping. This camp isnt very big but it houses the 40 of us. Other survivors are here. All french though with no english speakers. "Okay....these french people are too nice.......I say we leave now" "No...wait until tonight..but no one sleep...I agree with Tobias , these guys" Andrew says. "Ryan..where'd you put your gun?" "I gave it to Melanie....I cant really hold it yet" "Britni...whats with the sniper?" "I got it for Kaleb....I'll just use the M4 he left behind" I respond sliding the M4 out of one of the bags we managed to grab.

The day rolls on and we are greeted by the other survivors. This group has been here for 10 months. Everyone seems off. "You notice how they all have bloodstained fingers?" Tobias asks. I remember seeing bloodstained fingers before. "Oh shit" I grunt. "What?" Melanie asks. "Its Mackinac all over again" "What?" Tobias asks. "Mackinac......its a place in America. We went there first and it was filled with Canadians.....but they resorted to cannibalism and captured us. We barely escaped....Kaleb saved us" Melanie explains. "So?" "So. These people are cannibals. They are being nice so we dont leave....because we are there food supply for a while" I inform. "Keep yourself armed at all times. Back to Back. No sleeping. "We need to leave now" Tobias says scared. "Hes right....if these people are cannibals then they arent going to sleep tonight" "Well....lets go" I say.

I dont want to leave....but we have to. We cant risk it. Besides they gave us guns.....I wonder why? We sneak out of the lean-to. I look to my right to check the coast. I see a shadow move. "Run!" I hear Melanie scream. I take off running behind the others. I hear a couple of gunshots. I hop over a fence and run to the car. I open the door and start the engine. Tobias climbs onto the fence but drops dead onto the other side. "Tobias!" Andrew shouts hopping onto my side of the fence. He clutches his body and slams his fist. Bullets fly over Andrew snapping him back to the moment. He runs to the car and I open the door for him. Melanie joins us in the car and gets in the back with Ryan in her hands. "Fucking GO!" They all shout at me. I throw the gear into reverse and stomp the gas. A body stands behind with a shotgun in hand.

"Melanie!" I shout as she is in the immenent danger of the gun. "Duck!" She bends her head down and the shotgun busts the back windshield sending glass everywhere. I feel the car run into the figures body. I throw it into drive and spin off leaving the 'safety' Bullets clip the car and the pavement. The car jerks to the right. "Hold on!" I scream as the car loses control. We hop onto the curb of the bridge before breaking through the railing.

Time slows down as the car falls. Glass shards drifting weightlessly. My hair flowing to the top of the car.

Then everything goes black once the airbag blows out. I wake up to the stinging sensation in my shoulder. The car is on its side with saltwater on my shoulder. I bust the windshield out and crawl. I step onto the beach. The drivers side of the car in water and the other half in sand. No longer drivable. I look into the car. I see Andrew and Ryan. I cant locate Melanie. The car is bloodstained. The sky is dark with night. I look around the beach and find footprints. Bloodstained. Footprints.

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