Chapter 39: Death

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--Hunter's Point of View--

Like I said before it was cold, its even colder. You might think I am in the truck. But infact, I'm burying my only human friend. 

Well I was, now I am in the truck. Spike and I both sit in the front in the warmth. I have no clu on how to drive. I've only driven one other time and that was on my way to meet  Johnathan. From then on he drove, Spike must sense this because he provides comfort in me and lays his head in my lap. I place the truck in reverse and pull out onto a road. I feel a thud and immediately freak out. I look in the mirror to see a few zombies.

I dont hesitate to put the truck in drive, and I take off into the cold winds from the front seat of the truck. Theres only half a tank of gas but hopefully it gets me out of here. I want to drive somewhere safe, but does the word safe mean the same anymore? Safe used to be where you never faced death or even the chance of it. But today, safe would mean somewhere to lie your head down and catch an hour or two of sleep. Sleep, another term I barely touch base with anymore. Sleep used to mean a third of your day spent in this comatative state resting and gaining energy. Now sleep just means closing your eyes for a few hours and pretending it felt great when in reality, you're still tired.

I'm no longer in the city, I am on open roads in the country. Its kind of pretty aside from the dead bodies and abandoned cars. 

I start to reflect on my past, I question myself on my actions.

--Andrew's Point of View--

I havent seen one person since it happened. We all just ran seperate ways for the most part. 

I thought I saw Antonio. But it was just another walker. Unless....No it cant be, no one got caught.

Then I see Melanie. As much as I know she hates me, she needs my help. She is pinned in a corner with two beasts approaching, bawling her eyes out. I look to my right and left, I spot a propane tank. 

I pick it up and run towards her and feel for the pistol I took from the truck. I still have it in my possession and I roll the propane tank into the beasts. They face eachother and let out a scream-roar and hit eachother. They're fighting and Melanie notices me. I give her a signal to come to me. She's hesitant at first but takes her only chance and runs. One beast turns after being hit in the shoulder and notices Melanie running. I slide my pistol into my palms and fire into the tank. Flames rise inbetween the beasts causing them to burn and fly backwards. 

I run to Melanie and slip her off her feet. I carry her and run. "Where's Britni" She asks me "I have no clue...I'm looking for her also" and we leave it at that. I feel a part of me become lesser now that I know Melanie nor I have any idea as to Britni's whereabouts. It feels weird with Melanie in my arms but I know she would never be able to keep up with me.

I run onto dirt. "Anything chasing us?" I ask Mel, she responds with a shake of her head. I set her down and pull out my knife and she gets hers out. "Thanks Andrew...I...wouldnt of made it" "No problem, having an extra pair of eyes is always beneficial" Thats when I see it, a walker behind Melanie. I throw her into the ground and get a right hook into the face of the walker. It just gets more pissed off and tries to bite me. I kick it in the chest and it falls back and a blade pierces its chest..from behind. "Andrew?" "Britni?" 

We hug eachother before Melanie breaks us up. "Was pushing me neccessary?" She asks me, I just shoot her a look that doesnt really answer her question, but lets her know I did it so she would live.

--Kaleb's Point of View--

I turn to Jillian after the explosion. "We cant investigate, we just need to run" "He's right" 

It isnt long before we're running on the smooth pavement at a ,slightly faster than a jog, pace. 

I dont see anyone for a while but then I catch a glimpse of Andrew. "Andy!" I scream out, he turns to face me and his face lights up, before twisting into a vile and disgusting looking face and Britni turns to us and points. Then I hear the screams. I catch up to Andrew and the other two, before turning around. Renaldo and Phillip catch up to me. I see Jillian.

She's fallen onto the ground with a look of pure fear. It was at this moment. That I broke.

The beast, which was ginormous, grabs her and brings her close to his face. She is twisting and spazzing out, but the beast brings his jaw into her stomach and he pulls her. Blood splatter silencing her screams but only bringing mine to a higher pitch.

It feels as if I have been shot, again. I feel two hands place themselves on my shoulders. I figure it out to be Andrew and Phillip. But I turn around to see, and its neither. I see two ghostly hands and a face of sadness. 

Its Cole.

it breaks me even more to see him, as a ghost. But he only has one hand on me. I turn to my back-right. I see who has the other hand, its Kelly. She stands there with a straight face.

I can feel their sorrow through their touch, I go to touch them but they fade away. All I see is Andrew walking over to me and holding me close. His hug is a bit comforting, but then I feel the others join in, in a mass of hugs.

The hugs don't change the fact that Jillian is gone. But it helps me. Up until now, nothing could break me. But watching her die. I think is what finally did it.

--Hunter's Point of View--

The truck is running on fumes now, but I'm outside of the state and finally away from the cold winds of winter. Now its just the slight nip in the air and a gentle breeze here and there.

"Spike..c'mon boy, lets get some rest" I say to the dog before locking the doors and crawling in the back seat. There is a blanket already there and I cover us up with my gun in hand.

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