Chapter 47: Refusal

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--Kaleb's Point of View--

We finally arrived at my grandmother's house. I pull in first nice and slow, I pull off to the side and turn to face the car towards the road for a quick getaway. I unlock the doors and we crawl out. I pop the trunk and walk back to pull my sword, bow, and quiver of arrows out. I strap the quiver to my back, and the sword on my left hip. I strap the bow on my back last.

Renaldo does the same and Ryan hops out of the car. I watch him tuck his pistol out of sight. "Ryan...make sure its hidden good...if grandma and grandpa are alive...they wouldn't want to see you with that. In fact...give it to me" I ask of him, he takes it back out and tosses it to me. "Okay Kaleb, but who are these people?" That question burns into me. "Daddy's've been here a couple times when you were younger...." I explain as Phillip and the others pull up.

"Let's go!" I chant, picking Ryan up and carrying him on my neck. I walk to the front door, which was never really used, and knock. "Grandma!" I call out. The silence gets me quick, I feel the tears building up, ready to breach my tear ducts like a rampid river. But then the door opens.

The face I see is one I thought I'd never see in my entire life since this all started. 



"It really is you...." I bring into a full embrace with my step-father, and Ryan's biological father, Phil. "Who's this?" He asks me pointing to the child on top of my shoulders. "'s your son"

His face is something out of a movie. He sheds a single tear and takes Ryan off my shoulders and hold him tight. I leave them in the moment, Ryan remembers him I leave them alone. I walk back to the others who have just finished arming themselves.

"They here?" "Well, my step dad is...I haven't explored the house or asked any questions.....i'm in shock" I bring them with me as we walk to the front door again the two still hugging eachother. "Hey dad, is grandma and grandpa here?" "Well....grandma is...grandpa hasn't came back.....he went to get food for us about two days ago"

I feel as if a bullet just hit me in the chest and a deep heaviness fills me. "Where's grandma?" "Upstairs....take your brother with you, and who are all these people?" "They're my crew....we have some catching up to do...after I get back"

I run upstairs with Ryan into one of the spare bedrooms. "Grandma!"

I charge in where the light is shining from the ceiling and a ceiling fan spins. "Kaleb?" "Yes....and Ryan" "Ryan?" "Grandma!" We both bear hug her....I feel apart of me feel full, it overtakes the before said heaviness.


I sit down with my crew, outside on the porch with my step dad and grandma. "We have years to brief you two on....and recent where is our mom, how have we been...what has happened..and how we survived all this...." I start, I inhale deeply.

"Well, when this all started I was in Midland with Cole....we evacuated towards home and met up with Irene, we later got into an accident. She passed at that very moment and I was forced to keep on with Jason's motorcycle and I did so but we came home to nothing, I gathered up my friends who had also lost their families. We turned to Ohio where mom and Ryan resided. You Dad...were no where to be found...since the fight you and my mother had I had no contact with you. Mom was infected.....I killed her with one swift blow to the head" - I inhale deeply again...letting everyone take in all this information....most for a second time.

"We took off towards Mackinac...we burned down most of midland in the process, our group was under ten people and we were picked up by canadians for a free helicopter ride to Mackinac. Only when we got their we found out that they were cannibals and just wanted us for food, I fought valiantly to save Ryan just as he was about to be used as an 'appetizer' as they reffered too, I saved the rest of my crew and we made a narrow escape by ferry, we took the ferry to Cedar Point..the amusement park, where we cleared the island and blew a bridge up and stocked up. We brought animals and cars and sent a broadcast to any listeners, three years passed and I had increased our survival rates one hundred fold, until the walker-zombies- had learned to swim and practically made a full swing at us. Did I mention the fact I could fly a helicopter? Oh well, I learned how and made trips here and there."

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