Chapter 42: Qualities

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--Hunter's Point of View--

The days have past with nothing to interesting. The same thing rolling around every day, walkers then killing, then sleeping, then running. But today I change that. I've come across some other survivors. Infact, I watched them kill one of their own today.

They've been on the roof of an apartment building. No one has noticed me, I'm across the street, on an even taller building. I've been studying them with my rifles scope. I'm pretty sure I've figured out who runs the operations. Maybe even once I heard his name. Kaleb I believe...he seems to run the group. I believe the dark-skinned is second in command. He seems to be closest with 'Kaleb' 

Kaleb almost died. I almost killed him. The thing one even noticed the flash from my gunshot. I have a supressor. I thought shooting the damned fire escape would of killed him but he is too quick. Its kind of annoying. I guess I'll just make my way over there and introduce myself.

I hope they dont start anything. 


I hop down the ledge and the dog follows me. I catch him and we are on the streets. Walkers dot the small paved road and we run across and get onto the sidewalk. There is one window that is smashed in. I assume thats where they made their entrance. 

I make sure my guns are strapped down and my sword is in its sheathe. I walk around too the front door and kick it in. Two walkers. I unsheathe my sword and slice one head clean off. I kick the other walker in the chest and bring my sword down on its skull splitting its head in two.

I make my way up the stairs with haste. I want to meet these people face to face. They have food. Something I havent had in quite some time. I can feel my stomach rumble at the mere thought of food. I notice my tongues dryness aswell. I recently had water..but it'd still be nice to drink some.

I reach the fourth floor. Where to? Looking left, then right I notice another fire escape. I sprint down the hall with Spike. He takes the lead but makes a sharp turn into the last room on the left. I hear the shout. I charge down the hall. Gun in one hand, sword in the other. The room contains two walkers. Then theres this fucker. Kaleb.

He kicks the walker on the left and jumps back. Spike launches onto the walker he just kicked and bites down. "Shit!" I let out, Kaleb turns to me with his gun trained. "Who're you?" "Hunter....I..I want to be apart of your group" I stammer. "Really?" He asks quite shocked. "Well. I'll take another survivor any day...but can I have your sword?" "Haha, no sorry....maybe once I'm dead" "I'll hold you too that" He jokes....or atleast I think.

I handle the walkers, by beheading them. Kaleb then leads us up the fire escape and shows me around. He seems to have nice friends and everyone seems like they'll pull their weight. He asks my top quality.

I have to think for a second. "Stealth"

He stops in his tracks then turns to face me. "Is that so? Explain how"

"Well for starters....I've been living across thes treet watching over you and your crew. I also have a supressed sniper...and a katana." "Well....that doesnt neccessarily make you..'stealthy" He passes on. "Well....what's your top quality?" I ask back.

"Mine? I have four. They're all equal. The first being Rage. I have the distinct ability to lose myself in a way none can. Two being my Swiftness. I can react quicker than anyone.  Third, being my leadership. I'm the best leader I know of. Lastly, I'd say is my Strength. Not physical....but mental"

I stop to think, he's right. He reacted quickly when I shot the fire escape. He threw a rage fit on that crew mate who was infected. But I dont know about the last two. "Well...I take it top quality ability to kill"

"Good....pull your weight and you'll live"

He leaves at that and I walk over to this girl, she has brownish blonde hair. It has been dyed before. Her eyes catch my attention. Brown. I like them. She catches me staring and provides a sly smile. I decide to make small talk and get to know her.

--Kaleb's Point of View--

Hunter walks over to Melanie. Part of me grows a little angry, but then again. She's not mine anymore. I have to let those feelings fade.

Phillip walks over to Andrew who is comforting Renaldo. Poor kid just watched me beat his brothers ass, then watched a kid put a bullet in his skull mid-transformation.

Speaking of which. "Guys...I'd like to bring something up, that Im sure is on all your minds or has atleast crossed it. Antonio. We all know he was bit, and infected. But normal infections make the eyes grey and thats about it" I inhale deeply then continue. "His eyes became grey, then his skin brown, then he grew sharp nails and a hunchback....then his teeth. Thats not normal"

Britni opens her mouth..then stops. " have something?" I ask her, she hesitates a moment then lets out "Well, normal infections were by walkers....didnt he say he was bit by a beast?"  Everyone stops and thinks..."Maybe....being bitten by an animal...affects how you transform?" Phillip guesses. "You could be right.... That beast in particular was a bear. But there are other animals. He grew claws like a bear..then teeth like one. We need to be careful" Andrew adds.

All this is starting to throw everyone off.

"Hey..calm down...we'll be fine. Just keep your eyes open and never break off on a solo mission. It'll be selfish and can only end in death" Stevie cheers.

I look back to Melanie and Hunter. They're awfully close to eachother. I can tell Melanie is flirting with him. It angers me some more, but then I breathe and tell myself to let the feeligns go. She's not mine anymore.

I lay down. Ryan crawls in next to me. "Kaleb....I'm sorry I shot him"

"Don't be"

The sound of an explosion roars in the distance.

Then the shockwave hits, glass breaks and things fall over.

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