Chapter 35: Camp

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--Kalebs Point of View--

We walked away from the beach encountering numerous walkers which Britni and I took out swiftly. We were all hungry and thirsty. "Lets hope we can find some food in the first town we see" Phillip calls from the back. "Yeah, I feel hungry....we should hurry" Jillian chimes in.

I feel bad knowing they're so hungry. Its my duty as the leader to feed and provide. But then again I have to get back into the swing of things. "Another walker watch out!" Andrew shouts out, I jump back and she lunges with her knife extended landing the point through its eye. She twists the knife and rips it out and I kick it in the chest.  "Thanks" I exhale, "No problem" and we continue through the thick wood. "Maybe we could just settle here....tear a couple trees down and make a campsite?" Josh says. "Hell yeah thats a good idea! And we could just go to the city whenever we need supplies" Kyle adds. 

I actually stop and consider this idea, I then turn to Phillip who has also looked towards me. "Well?" He asks. "I think it'll suffice...we just need to split up and have a team of three go into the city for more weapons.....Britni, you stay with the others, Stevie and Phillip with me" I reply, I see Kyle and Josh shoot victory glances at eachother. I feel as if everyone is happy with this decision, we're also by fresh water that can be purified. 

The three of us walk through the woods together "So, Stevie, you have more experience in the woods than us. Any tips?" "Well, we need to hope for an outdoor shop for one, and for two, we need to chop trees down in a circle, not a square. Build walls as tall as us and then use leaves and twigs to make a cone roof with pine needles covering the top, too allow smoke to filter out from the fire we'll have on the inside" He explains. "Well, thats a good start I also think we should set up an irrigation system from the river leading into the lake, dig a trench that  leads to our site and filter it out for some crops" I add to the plan.... "Phillip?" "Like Stevie said, outdoor shop , then get some fishing poles and lighters and whatever basic necessities, then take to a hardware store. Hopefully find some tools and use them to build tools of our own.....if we do this right we can make a surviving here....but what about West Virginia?" 

I think about it for a moment then provide an answer "Well, this is just as secluded...and the winters arent as bad" The answer works and we walk in silence until reaching the back yard of some country house. "Theres an old pickup....Stevie can you-" "On it" He runs ahead and we join him arriving at the yellow pickup with rust all on the bottom and the bed of the truck. "I'll ride in the back, Phillip take the passenger seat"

I jump into the bed and the truck starts. "Lets go!" Stevie says happily, we drive down the dirt driveway and eventually down the main road and into the small town. "Hey some outdoor center!" We pull into the small store just as the truck stalls. "Looks like we're walking home...with our hands full" Phillip says. "Nah, you two grab the things and put it in the back, I'll run over to that gas station and get as much gas as I can" Stevie replies before taking off down the street. Phillip and I walk into the store and survival gear and fishing equipment stock most of the shelves. "Start grabbing it all.....we're set"

--Melanies Point of View--

The others haven't looked for me yet, its been 2 hours and the sun is starting to set. "uuuuhhghhhh" I turn into a walker, I jab it in the head with my left fist scraping my right arm on the rough tree bark as I swung my fist. I let out a yelp and kicked it in the crotch. It seemed rather pissed and I turned to run. 

Running, I got a glance at my wrist which was covered in scratches that were deep and bleeding prefusely. "Shit" I whispered to myself. I decided I would return to the others for medical help, then leave again.

Problem was, In my efforts of trying to kill someone, they had two hours to get away from me. I have to pick up my pace. I quickly become discouraged with the presence of nightfall. "Heeelpppp!!!!!" I shout at the tip-top of my lungs, I feel my vocals cut in and out from the pitch fo my scream.

My scream has given me a headache and surely grasped the attention of anyone within earshot. If they're around they are surely going to search for me....I hope.

--Britnis Point of View--

I just finished digging a 3 by 3 by 3 hole. "Looks like a perfect cube.....Kind of weird, but its cool too" Andrew says to me. I look to the now returned, Antonio. "You and Josh get the sticks and brush?" "Yeah...hold on" He disappears and returns with the said items. "Here you go, how are you going to start the fire?" "Easy" Kaleb interjects, setting a gallon of gasoline down and some never-wet matches. "Nice....err.....Hole?" "I thought it'd be funny to have a cube haha" "Well, its cool looking, wheres the top soil you dug up?" "Andrew took it over there" I point. He and I walk over to Andrew who has made a dirt pile. "Feel free to use it for whatever" He says jokingly. "Actually, this is good top soil....we'll use it for the tomatos and peppers we're gonna grow...oh and dont forget the watermelon and pumpkin" Kaleb says seriously. "Wait...what?" "We're gonna have a garden....we got the best things to grow" "Pumpkin?" "Jack-o-Lanters and pumpkin seeds.....they're delicious if boiled" "Good point...but Jack-o=Lanterns?" "Well....we need pass times....why not make some scary...or not-so-scary pumpkin carvings?" He says calmly as he spreads some dirt around.

I walk away smiling and return to Phillip and Stevie who are chopping a tree down. "What's up?" "Well, we're getting a place for us to sit around the fire"

--Kalebs Point of View--

I spread the dirt around as Britni walks away. Ryan walks up to me. "Hey bud?" "Hey, wanna sit at the fire? Kyle asked" "Sure buddy" I walk over to the fire holding my little brother, Stevie and Phillip have two freshly cut logs laying by the fire that was mostly hidden in the cube hole. We three sit around the fire and are joined by all the others. We all sit around the fire cautiously "We have enough hunting knives for everyone to carry two....Stevie should be back shortly with'em" "Oh and we have a truck to make the trip whenever" I add to Phillip. Stevie has returned and begun passing out knives when I decided to chop another tree down.

Then I hear it, at first I thought of it as the wind before realizing there was no wind blowing or leaves rustling.

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