Chapter 21: Seperation

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We didnt even think twice. We ran as fast as we could. I had Ryan in my arms and he was to tell us if they were catching up. I was starting to lose my breath after a mile. "Lub...they are catchin us...the monsters!" He shouts. I run and stp off a crub and onto a car hood and jump over a 6 foot fence. I land on the other side in a persons yard. Two walkers are in the yard. I set Ryan down. "Watch for the other monsters bud!" I tell him as I land an elbow into a walker. Stevie joins me in this yard and punches the other walker. I dodge a swing and tackle the walker down and punch its temple. I reach for a brick to my left and smash its brains. I look at Stevie who is still landing punches on his walker. I take the brick and throw it at the walker. It falls onto the ground where Stevie stomps its head in. "Grab Ryan!"I shout to Stevie. I run over to the sliding door which is locked. I take a lawn chair and smash in the door. "C'mon!" I shout.

We enter the home and I run into the kitchen. I scavenge for knives. I quickly grab the first four. Two steak knives, a bread knife and a butcher knife. I hand Stevie the Butcher and a steak. "Thanks" He says. "Where'd you see the others last?" I saw Phillip run right and Britni and Andrew keep on forward. Melanie was behind me when I saw you beast it off the car. I did what you did." "Melanie...fuck I'll be back" I say and exit the house. I see Melanie scaling a fence on the other side of the street. I climb the fence and take out a walker infront of me. I run to her and jump onto the fence and scale it quickly. "Melanie" I grunt. I wish I had a shirt...its cold. I get over the fence and run to Melanie. "C'mon!" I say to her running. I grab her hand and we run. I open the door and we run through the house. 3 zombies are in the house and we have to duck to avoid them. I kick down the front door and we charge out. The street is flooded with walkers. "Fuck" I whisper as they all turn to us.

I run with Melanie to the apartments across the street. I break a window and crawl in. I pull Melanie through and we run into the hall. "We need to get onto the roof" I say to her. Walkers start pouring in through the broken window. "Stairs down this way!" Melanie says reading a sign. We dash down the hall and a walker steps out of a door a couple meters ahead of us. I let go of Melanies hand and speed up. I jump into the air with my feet extended. My right heel collides with its jaw and my left foot into its gut. It falls onto the floor and I stand on its body. I lift my foot and stomp its head in just as Melanie catches up. "Damn" She says as we take off up the stairs. I keep running until the stairs end. "Top floor.....find a fire escape" I say to her. We split up in the halls.

After a few door kick-ins I spot a fire exit with an open window "Melanie over here!" I scream. She arrives moments later and we take to the escape. I let her first as the walkers come into the room. "These fuckers are fast" "Must be since we arent in fatass USA anymore" Melanie jokes. We climb onto the roof.

"Holy shit.....we made what?" She asks. "We were supposed to meet back with Stevie and Ryan.....they're a block away" I say to her. "Where're the others?" "I dont know.....Phillip went off that way and Britni and Andrew kept running straight" I answer. "Fuck man" She groans. I take her hand "We need to get to Stevie and Ryan.....the only way is roof hopping" I say sheepishly. "I cant...I'll die" She says bluntly. "Well....I'll just hold you" I say catching her offguard as I lift her and run towards the edge of the roof. I press my feet down and bend my knees and launch into the air. Melanie screaming as we sail towards the next roof. I hit the floor and drop Melanie and roll on the ground. She falls onto her knees unscathed. I pick myself up and look at her. "I hate you" She says. "Well....hate me more" I say picking her up again. "Put me down!" She exclaims. I run towards the edge again. We are closer to ground now. I dont jump I just run off. I land on the cement and keep running. Walkers all around us.

 I see the house Stevie and Ryan are in. "Ok....I need you to run with me.....its the only way you'll live" I say to her as I stop and set her down. "What?" "Just do what I do....No second thoughts!" I shout as I take off. She hesitates before following. I run off the curb onto the car and over the fence again. I roll on the ground and land next to one of the dead walkers. I turn to see Melanie make it up but get her foot caught on the top of the fence. She goes for a faceplant. "Shit" I grunt pushing off the ground to become airborne in an attempt to break her fall. I feel her head against my stomach and I slam into the ground but break her fall.

I have to gain my breath back. She stands up and helps me on my feet. "Thanks" I walk with her into the house. I go upstairs to find Stevie and Ryan in a bedroom. "Got her" I say to them. "Here" Stevie says handing me a shirt he got from the closet. Its a purple polo.

"Thanks man" I say to him. "So what now.....?" He asks quietly. "We ride the crash site....see if there is anything we can scavenge.....maybe the others will show up there" I say.

---Phillips Point of View--

After making a sharp right I watched Kaleb launch into a backyard. I heard the walkers inching towards me. Running slower and slower by the second I decide to enter a pharmacy. I scavenged the inside for a weapons. I found a hammer in the back already bloody. I gripped it tightly as I lowered myself onto the floor and slowed my breathing. I heard the footsteps of walkers and the groans and grunts to match. They entered my hiding place and were frantically searching.

I tightened my grip and stood up to bash in a head.

---Britnis Point of View---

I see the group split up. Andrew and I are the only ones still running forward. "Babe......keep going!" he says noticing I am slowing down. I spot three BMX bikes lying on the ground. "Bikes!" I said as I turned to pick one up. Andrew joins me and we take off full speed towards the crash site a few kilometers ahead.

I see a truck pull out infront of us and I turn my bike to the side and jump off. I land on my ass and the bike flips and turns. Andrew jumps off and his bike ghost rides into the truck. Thirteen men step out from behind what we thought were non-running cars with their guns trained on us. "Was that your plane?" They ask. "Were you the ones parachuting down?" They ask. "Detain them" The biggest one says. Four walk over to put cuffs on us. They drag us into the back of the Semi. 

They shut the doors and we are in the trailer alone in the dark. "Shit" We say. I hear the truck drive off with some other cars. 

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