Chapter 10: Broadcast

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After waking up and being told I was legally dead for 4 mintutes I was quite shocked. I rested on the ferry with Melanie,Brittany and Ryan while the others were downon the main deck. "That was brave Kaleb, but also a dumbass didnt just almost get yourself did!" Brittany scolds. "She's right, there isnt a need to risk your life when we could of all looked for him" Melanie says. "I Found him in the first 30 seconds of looking for him. I was also being hunted by almost every walker in the fucking lay off my back" I shout. I dont need to be mothered. They obviously dont understand the bromance between Phillip and I. Besides we promised in 8th grade we'd always make an effort to go back and get eachother.

I walk down to the main deck and join in with Cole,Phillip,Andrew and Britni. "Hey there man, how ya doin?" Britni asks. "Better....being alive now" I answer with a sly smile. "Kaleb....the flare hasn't gone out yet" Phillip grunts. "They burn for 2 hours" Cole says. "There wasnt that many walkers on the beach earlier either" Phillip notes. I realize. "Is it possible?" I wonder aloud. "What?" Andrew asks. "They are....evolving. Look....they arent falling..they are clearly climbing over" I explain. "They are dead. Undead. they cant evolve or adapt." Cole joins. "But we view them much as we view a bear or cougar. They are dangerous. But we dont find the alive ones dangerous." I rant. "What do you mean bro?" Phillip says.

"It's like they are there own species. One that doesnt take millions of years to evolve and adapt to their environments to survive. A species much like ours without emotion and a constant taste for flesh and live meat, but not the other zombies. They wont eat eachother. But they will eat us. Their brain doesnt count us as one of them. They clearly think we are a different species. And they adapt at a much more rapid pace. They couldn't climb but now they can. The water isn't gonna be safe soon" I explain my theory. 

"The thing is, he is right." Cole agrees. Phillip does too. Andrew aswell. Britni looks puzzled. "Well then we should get started on this 'island cleansing' before they start to swim or fly or someshit" Britni says.

We grab some more flares and shoot them off the flare gun onto the beach by the now burnt out one. "They need to flock. The minigun is our only chance at making this easier." I announce. We all check our ammunition and find out that we are running low. "We can't waste all our ammo on them. We're gonna have to knock the population down with blades. If only we had swords." I say.  The crew gets their knives out. I notice the zombies are gaining numbers. "The mingun might be an option soon" I say. The others look at the beach and see what I am talking about. "Holy shit they flock faster than we thought" Melanie says. I see Andrew step up to the minigun. "This should be a sight." I hear Cole mention. The mingun starts spinning and the bullets follow up the flashes of light. Walkers start dropping dead and Andrew is having the time of his life. "Let me get a turn!" Britni says. They switch positions.

Cole and I look at eachother. "Ready man?" I say. We dive into the water and swim towards shore. Once arriving on the opposite side of the island to where the minigun roars we dry off the best we can. We then slip into the night blades out ready to slm the numbers of the undead. The few on this beach dont notice us until we already pierce their skulls. I think of the families they once had. I'm filled with sadness. Its me or them. I prefer them. "Horde at 2 o'clock" Cole whispers. I look towards my 2 and see the small horde. Maybe 30 walkers. "Lets get them to split, You go right I go left" I plan. We start to move and I clap my hands. They all turn. Not part of the plan. I see Cole creep and take them out in twos. I run up and help finish off the horde. "Nice backup plan dude" I tell him. The minigun is still roaring through the air. "He must be attracting more with that roar" Cole assumes. We scan the beach for walkers and soon run into Melanie and Phillip. "How many you guys take out?" They ask. "Maybe 50 or 60 so about you two?" Cole says. "About the same. They might be gathered on the island.....or at Andrew and Britni's sector" Melanie answers. We scale the fence and are by the Millenium force. I see a few hundred walkers. "Remember stealth kills only. No guns unless you are legit going to die." I remind. We all split up but not straying to far.

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