Chapter 20: Luck

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I look around HQ for my valuables. It takes the rest of the day to collect our things. And I start loading shit into the Cargo Plane. Andrew and Stevie go hunting for some food before we leave on plane. The ride is going to be very long and very boring. With Melanie, we return to the armory to gather any weapons we can. I spot a box of supressors. I reach in for one to screw onto my M4. I grab the box and bring them to the plane. We have our shit in there. "Phillip! Let's get the vehicles......Tank then IFV and lastly...the Humvees" I ask him. He drive the tank and I guide him into the Cargo plane. It's a tight fit but we get it in there. Then I drive the IFV and he helps me in. It fits better. We fit two Humvees in the back before having to shut the door. "Theres enough parachutes for everyone....let's hope we dont use them" Melanie says to us.

I spend the rest of the night with Phillip. We walk around the base. "I hope you can fly this thing......we all depend on this" "I'll be able to fly it. The landing is what I'm afraid of. Considering we dont even know where an airport in Rome is.......we atleast know the location via GPS on the plane....but how are we gonna land?" He asks me. "I dont know dude......This is gonna be some scary shit" I reply. Cool night air warns me of rain. "We should hurry back to HQ.....I smell rain" I say to him. We jog back.  "ON ething man" Phillip says. "Yeah?" "Thanks.....for all this" He adds. We walk in to see the others gathered doing whatever. Some playing billiards and others watching a movie. Phillip takes a seat at the bar and I go behind it to serve us up some drinks. "Scotch?" "Yeah" I pour us some and throw a couple cubes in. "Thanks man" We touch glass and say "Cheers" and down the drinks. "Got any vodka behind there?" Andrew asks, joining us at the bar. "Yeah....hold on" I answer pulling out the vodka. "The good stuff right there.......Lets down that shit" Stevie says. I pour us 4 shots and we down them.

Everyone joins at the bar and we take shots and drink some beer. "Lub......" "Yeah drink this" I say handing him a shot. "Sweet" He says downing the shot. He turns and pukes on the floor. "See? No more.....Go watch TV" I say. He downs some water to rid his mouth of the taste.  He soon passes out on the couch and we finish off the alcohol after 4 hours. The morning sun rises before I finally pass out, piss drunk.

"Owwww....damn" I say waking up. I am slumped on the pool table. I stand and I know I have a hangover. The others are all passed out aswell. Luckily we have another day to shake this off before taking to the skys. I check the clock and its 2:38 PM. "Holy....shit" I say to myself. I relieve myself in the bathroom and take a cold shower. I change into some non puke-soaked clothing and walk out to see Ryan walk out from my room. "Lub.....Wheres Sissy?" He asks me. "I dont know bud....I thought she was passed out with the others" I say confused. "No....shes not anywhere" He says. "Let's go find her bud" I take his hand and we walk over the others on the ground and various other spots throughout the room. "You guys had fun didnt you?" He asks. "We did....did you?" " was funny watching you guys fall on your butts" He says laughing again. "We fell down?" "Yeah... a whole bunch of times" He says laughing some more. We step outside and sure enough theres Melanie face down in the mud. "Ryan... go back inside...I'll get her" I say releasing his hand. He walks back inside and I run over to Melanie. I dont see a shirt on her. She still has a bra on. "Melanie.....whatt the hell?" I ask , waking her up. "Whu...what?" She says picking herself up. "You...sure cannot handle being drunk" I tell her. "Woah....where is my shirt?" "I dont know.....Take mine" I say, taking mine off and putting it on her. "Thanks..." "Lets get you up....damn woman....You need a shower" I say to her. She falls back down. "Still drunk.......dude....I'm not letting you drink anymore" I say to her. I pick her up and carry her to HQ. 

When I walk in everyone is up and they all chant. "Look who got lucky!" or "Hahaha" and even "oooooohhhh you guys...really?" I stare at them and they shut up. "We didnt fuck.....gosh. I just picked her out of the mud..she is still wasted" I explain. " that why she's wearing your shirt?" Britni points out. "She didnt have one when I found her" "I wonder why" Andrew adds. "Shut up!" I say taking her into the bathroom. I set aside a towel and start the water. "Please tell me I dont have to undress you and get you in there" I say to her. "I dunna want too?" She asks with a sly smile. " get ahold of yourself" I say leaving the room. I go behind the bar and start cleaning up all the empty bottles.

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