Chapter 3

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Plutarch heads back to the Capitol today. Katniss gets on the phone to Effie, telling her about the new baby, and giving her permission to tell the whole country.

We've kept Willow secret for long enough, we couldn't do it anymore, and we couldn't hides another child as well.

It was the right thing to do.

"Yes Effie" Katniss says tiredly to the phone.

"I'll arrange an interview immediately" Effie says over the phone

"Sounds cool"

"Yes, it'll be so lovely. I can't wait. It'll be amazing, Katniss. Why aren't you enthusiastic?"

"What? Wait yeah, I'm totally enthusiastic, uhh yay. I can't wait!" Katniss says

"Whatever" Effie snaps "I'll arrange the interview."

Katniss hangs up the phones.

"Dd you hear the way she snapped at me?" Katniss asks. "Her manners are terrible"

I laughed, remembering Effie's obsession with manners.

I pull Katniss closer to me, she stands on her tiptoes, leaning in.

Our lips had only just touched when the phone rang.

"God dammit" Katniss muttered after she'd finished the kiss.

She picked up the phone.

"Hello Caesar"

"I just got off the phone from your escort, is it true? Did you get her to go on and say she lied? Is it, like all true?" Caesar asks

"Yeah" Katniss says, laughing slightly.

"Will you come on for an interview?" He asks

"Wait, what?"

"Well, we haven't seen you or Peeta for ages, and like, now there's some good news, I'm sure the world would like to see you."

Katniss looks at me, doubt in her eyes. I nod slightly, "why not?" I said "We can see how it turns out" I say.

"Fine, we'll do it" Katniss says.

"Awesome, send Peeta my warmest regards."

"Okay, bye Caesar, send me a message on the time."

She hung up the phone.

I wrap my arms around her from behind, resting my check on her head. I gently rub her arms, before gently kissing her neck.

"Now where were we?" I ask

"Well, Johanna has Willow, so I'd say we were making love against the wall" Katniss whispers.

My hand moves to her breast, squeezing it gently. "I don't think we were there yet" I said.

"Oh right" Katniss said. "That's what I want"

Katniss' POV

He pushes me against the wall, pulling my shirt off over my head, before pressing his lips onto mine again.

"I love you" he whispers

"I love you too" I reply, crushing my lips onto his and fumbling at the buttons on his shirt.

I finally get her shirt off, running my fingers up and down his chest.

We get each others clothes off. I place my hands on his shoulders, as he hitches one of my legs up over his waist, I keep my other leg firmly planted on the ground, he kisses me again, sweetly and softly.

"You ready?" He asks, pressing his lips to my shoulder, running his fingers through my hair.

"Yeah" I whisper.

He steadies himself before thrusting into me.

"Oh my god!" I gasp, pleasure instantly surging through me

We slowly get into rhythm.

He kisses me again. Pulling away slowly.

I gaze into his eyes, before realising they've glazed over.


He was having a flashback.

Authors note:

It's long for three reasons.

1) I haven't updated in a long time

2) Today is the day that Mockingjay filming has ending (excuse me, I'm crying my eyes out over here)

3) I saw this on twitter: @TheCapitolPN: TOMORROW: Join The Capitol in its appreciation for the steadfast and industrious people of this #OnePanem.

Which may mean Mockingjay trailer


I'm hoping for the trailer, but upset about filming.

Enjoy the chapter cubes.

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