Chapter 5

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"Lets watch tv" Katniss suggested

"Sure, cake boss is on" I said, grabbing the tv remote from the coffee table, I wrap my arms around Katniss as Willow sits on the floor, playing with her teddy.

Katniss turns her head, kissing me gently before turning her attention back to the tv.

Suddenly, without warning, the screen flashes to black.

I must of sat on the remote and turned it off.

That's what I thought until the screen returned to some Capitol news reporter.

The words 'breaking news' flashed across the screen before the reporter began to speak:

"My name is Domita Roxen. And I've just got news all the way from district 12, that former Hunger Games victor and well known rebel Johanna Mason is being arrested. It appears that Miss Mason is responsible for the murder of a minor"

We see a clip of Johanna and at least 6 police officers, outside Johanna's house, as we see Johanna struggling with the police, (which was obviously why there was so many)

The show flicked back onto Cake Boss.

"Shit" Katniss muttered under her breath. "Johanna's in trouble"

Katniss leans over, pulling the curtain over slightly, looking out.

"Stay here with Willow" Katniss says.

Katniss heads for the door, Haymitch suddenly walks in.

"I'll stay with Willow" Haymitch announces. "We'll need bread boys level head with that. And personally, I don't think I could talk the police out of arresting Johanna."

Haymitch walks into the living room as Katniss and I walk hurriedly out the door.

"Johanna Mason, I am arresting you for murder. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence" the police officer announces, shoving Johanna up against the car, trying to get handcuffs on her.

Johanna fights back.

"I didn't fucking do it!" Johanna screams, not noticing the cameras

Katniss runs over. "Get off her!" Katniss says. "She said she didn't do it, so she didn't do it."

"Excuse me miss, but you need to leave" the police officer who looks to be in charge says.

"Not going to happen" Katniss replies calmly.

"Look" I say "Johanna's many things, but I don't think she's a murder. Do you even have any proof?"

"Yeah" Katniss says "what's your evidence?"

"That's exactly what I want to know!" Johanna says arrogantly

"Look, you two need to get out of here" the police officer says.

"That's not going to happen, let Johanna have her say. I mean, Johanna probably didn't do anything, but your just arresting her without even a vali-"

The police officer cuts her off by pushing her. She stumbles back slightly into me. The police officers (6 of them, and the guy in front of us) finally managed to get the handcuffs on Johanna.

I was very pissed off now.

"Firstly" I say defiantly, "if you ever, and I mean ever, push my wife again, I swear to god, forget Johanna, it'll be me the police are arresting for murder. I mean it. You touch her and you're dead, I will not hesitate to kill you, understand?" I pause for a second before continuing "and secondly, if you're thinking of arresting Johanna Mason for murder, then you're an idiot, because although I know Johanna wouldn't murder someone, she still has connections, that will break her out of any prison you put her in, so more fool you"

The police officer is taken aback. "They won't be able to break her out, don't worry about that, she's going straight to the highest security prison in the country. And secondly, if your wife tries to interfere with he restraint and arrest of a criminal, we'll arrest her too, understand?"

"Whatever you say, but touch her and I will kill you." I say, as he got in the car, driving Johanna away in the back.

"You don't happen to know where the highest security prison in the country is?"

"Districts 6&7" I say "but since Johanna's from 7 they'll probably put her in 6, why did you want to know? They probably won't let us visit"

"Well I wasn't thinking about just visiting." Katniss says.

"We can't break her out" I say. "Katniss, it's stupid, we'll be caught!" I exclaim

"Not if we have a plan"

"We have a plan?"

"We have a plan" Katniss confirms. "Now we just need to ask Haymitch if he can look after Willow for a few days"

Authors note: so, who thinks Johanna killed someone, and who do you think she killed if she did?

still no trailer.... Poor us.

And also, Mockingjay filming is over😭😭

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