Chapter 13

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"Yeah, I know I'm supposed to be dead, but lucky fluke, I didn't get killed, I just wasn't allowed back."

"How did you find me?" I ask, curious.

"Well, I wasn't allowed in the district. But I was allowed outside it, so I was just walking about and stuff and I bumped into this crazy axe girl who said she'd seen you." My uncle Matthew answers

"Well excuse you!" Johanna exclaims walking out of the trees.

"Johanna, please just don't" I warned.

"Fuck you, bread boy."

"Charming, aren't you?"

She walks up to Katniss, pulling her up by her arm.

"Talk, bitches" Johanna demands, before storming off with Katniss right behind her.

"We'll probably head home" Katniss answers before being dragged out of view by Johanna.

"Although she is a crazy axe girl, you probably shouldn't say that. She's Johanna Mason" I told him

"Won the 71st hunger games, right?"


"So, I see you've gotten yourself a girlfriend" he says, winking at me. "I also see that you've been a little busy. You'll be a great dad you know"

"Actually she's my wife. And we've already had our first child together, this is our second."

"That's absolutely wonderful" he answers. "How did you meet?"

"Officially" I ask. "Or like before that."

"Before that" he confirms.

"School" I tell him.

"So how did you meet officially?" He asks, wanting more.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you" I reply

"Try me"

"Well, it started when I was reaped into the 74th annual hunger game so."

"What?" He asks, horror showing on his face.

"Well, I'm still alive." I tell him.

"Tell me everything. In detail"

I sigh before starting. "Okay, so she volunteered for her younger sister. And then I got reaped. We went to the Capitol. She got an 11 in training. I got an 8. I told everyone in the final interview I liked her for a while. I was dying in a river bank when the announced two people could live if both came from the same district. So she found me. Nursed me back to health, and kissed me a few times. We were the last two left. They changed the rule. She brought out these poison berries, we both threatened to eat them, so the game makers let us both live. That's when I lost my leg. And then she admitted that our love story was all an act on her part." I told him. Lifting up the leg on my pants, revealing the prosthetic one.

"Anyway" I continued. "President Snow got pissed. Went to her house and threatened to kill her and her entire family. Victory tour. Districts rioting. I have to pretend to propose to her to keep Snow happy, which it didn't. Then Snow, being a total asshole announced that for the quarter quell, the tributes would be reaped from existing victors of each district. She got reaped. Haymitch got reaped. I volunteered in his place. Johanna for some reason stripped in an elevator. We both got 12's in training. Everyone got pissed so I said she was pregnant even though she wasn't. Games begin. We ally with Finnick Odair and Mags Cohen from four. Some poison fog kills Mags. We're on the beach. Johanna comes in to view with Wiress and Beetee. Finnick immediately allies with them. Wiress figures out that the arena is like a clock with a new terror every hour. Then Wiress is killed by one of he district one careers. Her and Johanna kill both from one. We're all chasing around to kill the ones from two, but the cornucopia starts spinning and fucks up the time telling thing. And then Beetee comes up with a plan. Johanna rips her tracker out. Shit goes down. She blows out the force field around the arena with an arrow, she gets rescued along with Finnick and Beetee by District 13 rebels. Johanna, Enobaria and I get lifted by the Capitol -"

"That must of been like torture" he says.

"It was" I agreed. "Literally. Torture"

His face lights up with alarm.

I go on. "So, I'm in the Capitol. She becomes a rebel leader. The mockingjay. They do this thing called hijacking with me which fucked up my mind with tracker jacker venom which made me hate her. Johanna, Annie and I were rescued. I tried to kill her. The rebellion happens. We're both part of it. Finnick Odair dies. Just before it ends. Her little sister, remember the one she volunteered for, got killed. She was only thirteen. Lovely girl. And then eventually. I fall back in love with her. And I ask her if she loves me. And she told me she did. And now we're married. Have a daughter and are expecting our first son."

"You've sure been through a lot." He says. "Well, look on the bright side. At least you no longer obsess over Katniss Everdeen now that you're married and a dad."

I laughed. "That's the thing. The girl I married is Katniss"

"Well then" he laughs. "At least your dreams came true. I'm really proud of you"

"Thank you" I say as he wraps his arms around me.

"If you wish hard enough you'll always succeed" he whispers.

"That was my life motto" I told him honestly.

"So how's your brothers?" He asks trying it change the subject

"That's the thing" I say, almost crying. "They're all dead. After the quell they sent in firebombs"

"Then you're perfect for each other." He says. "You can help stick each other back together."

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