Chapter 33

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Johanna's POV

I lazily rolled of the couch, picking up my axe from the floor, kicking the empty candy wrappers and chip bags underneath the couch and made my way to meet Kenzie at the train station.

She'd picked the worst train, it was midnight and of course she was scared to walk on her own. I really don't know why, I mean all she needed to say to a murderer or rapist or kidnapped was 'my sister's Johanna Mason and she'll bury her axe in your face if you touch me' I tried telling her that, but she insisted I came and picked her up.

I slam the door behind me, making my way through the dimly lit Victors Village. The lighting gets duller as I make my way out of Victors Village and head down the unused path that takes me into the town square. The shops are lit up despite being closed, I'm kind of hungry, and I'm extremely tempted to pick the lock of the bakery, I mean Peeta probably wouldn't call the police if he knew it was me. I notice a fast food place is still open, so I stop in and buy two spicy curries and two sets of rice.

"Would you like a few forks with that, love?" The girl says

"Sure" I say taking the white plastic forks from her and throwing them into the bag.

I make my way down to the train station just as her train pulls up at the station.

"Johanna!" She screams running towards me.

She awkwardly wraps her arms around me, I couldn't hug her back because I had my axe in one hand and the food in the other.

"Let's eat" I tell her

"Sounds like a plan, I'm starving" Kenzie replies.

"Hold this" I say handing Kenzie my axe as I pull the cartons out of the plastic bag. "Careful, it's sharp" I tease

I hand her a carton, taking the axe back. We walk to the town square sitting down on one of the benches.

The square's well lit up despite the fact it's after midnight now. We're in the square, eating our food before we hear a voice.

"Fucking idiots, they could get easily killed and they're just sitting there, like anything could happen." He whispers to the other

"If someone tried to kill us, I'd kill them first." I reply finishing my meal. I chuck the empty container into a bin just before Kenzie finished hers, we get up and make the walk back to my house in Victors Village.

I show Kenzie the spare room as she dumps her bags inside before rejoining me downstairs to play a video game.

Basically it was a gang game. You had to complete missions and drive about in stolen cars shooting cops. We played two player and just drove around getting in trouble with the police and taking part in a high speed police chase, whilst snacking on food.

She went to bed early, at like half 1. I went to bed a few hours later, I tend to sprawl out in my bed, tossing and turning. I wake up with Kenzie leaning over me.

"Ah!" I scream, shooting back in my bed tossing the sheets off of me and banging into the headboard.

"Don't fucking do that!" I warn "not cool, not cool."

"Uh, Johanna" Kenzie asks uncomfortably.

"What?" I snap

"Maybe some clothes?" She suggests.

I look down at what I'm wearing. A light grey low cut vest and my panties.

"Well maybe you should scare people awake."

"Touché" she replies. "Now get up."

"10 more minutes."

"I thought you said you only needed four hours of sleep." She states

"I went to bed at 4.30!" I complain

"Should of went to bed earlier then"

"I wasn't tired, you fucknut"

"Whatever, now get up"

"Fuck off"


"We're not going yet" I tell her. "I need a disguise first, or I'll get kicked out because I'm barred"

"Since when?" She asks, not believing my story.

"Since I bitch slapped Enobaria and Beetee with a chair at the grand opening"

"Oh" she says. "Then let's get a good disguise"

At the end of it, I'm stuck with a longish wavy blonde wig, fake glasses and a cocktail dress.

We get on the next train to district two.

I grab a bottle of wine before pouring myself a glass.

"Want one?" I ask, motioning to the bottle of wine I bought

"I'm good" she says, buying a packet of cards. "Let's play" she says.

"What game?"


"I'll kick your ass"

"Good luck, Jo" she replies

"I don't need luck" I tell her. "It's all bullshit anyway"

And we play until we pull up into district 2

Authors note: next chapter will be mainly, if not completely in Johanna's POV

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