Chapter 7

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We arrive after a short drive to the prison.

"Let's see if they'll let us see her first" Jack suggested

"Sure" Katniss answered calmly.

He came out 5 minutes later. "They'll only let her in" he said pointing to Katniss.

"Sure, I'll go" she replied.

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Yeah, I'll see you in a bit" she says, leaning up and kissing me.

"Okay" I whispered

Katniss' POV

Johanna sat at the table, waiting impatiently.

"Hi" I said

"Yo" Johanna answered. I saw down opposite her.

"They won't let the rest in"

"Yeah, I heard."

"Who died?" I asked "and did you kill them?"

"Rory Hawthorne" she answered calmly.

"Did you kill him" I questioned.

Johanna's head whips around, looking to see if anyone's listening.

She leans in close. "Are you wearing a wire?" She asks suspiciously.

"Me. Cooperate! That wouldn't happen, and I'd never rat you out." I promised.

"Well, then yes, I killed him." She admits. "I had to. He was going to kill us."

"Who's us?"

"Me, you, Peeta, Annie, Eva, Finn, Haymitch, Willow, anyone we know, even people like Mollie and Charlie."

"What about Liz?"

Johanna blushes scarlet. "What about Liz?"

"Was she on the list. What happened to you two anyway?"

"Yes she was on the list. And we broke up, okay?"

"So why is she on the list?"

"We're still friends"


"I didn't think they'd find out it's me. They looked people's motives. Me, you and Peeta's motives were the highest, but you two had a reliable alibi, so they guessed me. They guessed correctly"

"Look, we're going to try and get you out."

"Good, because Gale's still looking for you, especially since I killed his brother. I tried to kill him too. I was wearing a mask, he didn't know it was me. I thought he was dead. I didn't have time to check for pulses."

"What do you mean he's looking for me?" I ask, a little scared now.

"He's going to try and kill you. Him and Rory had a huge plan, like a whole book of it. It didn't say why he wants to kill you though."

"Well, we certainly don't get on, but why would he want me dead?"

"I think he's one of those crazy psychos you see on the programmes I watch"

"Like csi and stuff?"

"Yeah, basically, I think that he thinks that since he can't have you, no one else can. He wants Peeta dead because he actually got you. Me dead, because I'm an arrogant bitch, and everyone else dead because he knows it will hurt you. You're just his first target" Johanna whispers harshly.

"So you're telling me to watch my back?" I confirm

"No, I'm telling you to have a fully loaded weapon by your side 24/7. I'm telling you to add security to your house. Add more cameras. Get a security alarm, that when pressed alerts the police. Get in touch with Paylor. Katniss, you're a hunter. Don't become the hunted."

'Katniss, you're a hunter. Don't become the hunted.'

"Your time is up" a prison officer warns me. Grabbing me by the arm.

"Don't touch me." I muttered.

"Katniss, remember what I said! And try to get my out of here as quick as possible!"

"Yeah, don't worry, I will" I tell her, before turning to the prison guard. "I said don't touch me" I snapped

He takes his hand of my shoulder.

"What happened?" Peeta asks me later.

"She told me to watch my back. She told me that Gale wants us dead. Her exact words were, 'Katniss, you're a hunter, don't become the hunted'"

"Did she confess anything?" He asks.

I look around to make sure no noes listening. They're not. Jack is talking to the other two guys.

"She killed him." I whispered barely audible. "She killed Rory Hawthorne. And she tried to kill Gale"

Peeta's POV

I wrap my arms around her, sitting in the corner of Jacks room.

"I'd say I'm glad, but that might hurt your feelings." I told her honestly

"It wont. He's one less threat to worry about. Now there's one person trying to kill us instead of two."

"But don't you care about the kid, or even the fact that he's Gales little brother."

"I would of cared, if he hadn't done what he did. And as for him being Gales brother. Well, maybe Gale knows how it feels now. To lose a younger sibling."

"You're right" I say, pressing my lips to her temple. "He's one less enemy to face."

Authors note: So, I killed off Rory Hawthrone (I'm evil) well actually, technically it was Johanna that killed him!!

And can I just say. The mockingjay teaser trailer destroyed my feels. I'm not prepared for either of the movies.

Hope you enjoyed

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