Chapter 16

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"Give the phone to Katniss" Johanna demands. "I called her cell, but I didn't get through"

I hand my cell to Katniss. "They've fucking cancelled Fantasy Nun!" Johanna wails.

"No, they can't of. It's my favourite tv show" Katniss wails back as she rushes for the computer.

She quickly types in Fantasy Nun. She types it so fast, she actually types in 'Fabtasy num'

'Did you mean Fantasy Nun'

Katniss quickly clicks the link.

'Popular TV show Fantasy Nun has not been renewed for Season 4, meaning tonight's episode will be the last. Click here for a quick view through Fantasy Nuns best moments.

But don't worry. Capitol Network is releasing a new tv show in its place called 'Survivors of the dead ocean'
To view the trailer, please click here.

Leave your thoughts of Fantasy Nuns cancel in the comment section below'

"I'm going to kick the shit out of a tree" Johanna says before hanging up, call me back in 5 minutes.

Katniss scrolls through the comments.

PPfan8 - 'They can't cancel FN. I love it so much'

PiperForbes2418 - 'I'm honestly so disappointed that Capitol Network are cancelling FNor a new show.'

"I think this is Jo" Katniss whispers

AnonymousBitch127 - 'Are they actually fucking serious? They're cancelling FN! They can't do that though. I won't let them. Fucking assholes. If they cancel it for real I swear to god I will actually shove my axe in the producers head. Ima ring my friend and tell her, and I bet she'll be pissed. You know what, fuck that. I know the fucking president. Ima call her instead and then we'll see what happens to FN. Seriously tho, if they actually cancel it. I will kill a bitch."

"They're cancelling my favourite show" Katniss says glumly.

"I know" I whisper. "I'm sorry"

Johanna's POV

My axe goes crashing through a tree branch. Assholes. I swing again, hitting at the wide trunk.

"Fuck this!" I scream at no one in particular.

This is my favourite show. I mean, I actually have an emotional connection to it, is that weird?

"Hey crazy axe girl" Peeta's uncle says

"Shut the fuck up, Fuckface. They cancelled my favourite show! I am not in the fucking mood" I yell before swinging at the tree again.

"Yeah, clearly."

"I'm going to go find the producer" I declare.

"That's a bad idea"


"Because you'll go to prison."

"What makes you think I'll hurt them."

"Possibly because you're swinging an axe as a tree"

"This is what I call anger management" I say as I swing again.

"Look, how about I take you to meet someone. Then maybe they can calm you down. He's good at that."

"Says every pervert ever." I reply, furiously tugging my axe out of the tree.

"I'm not a pervert. Neither is he, in fact he's related to your friend."

"Which friend?" I ask, getting my axe out of the tree.

"How many friends do you have?"

"I have loads actually. There's Katniss and Annie, and there's Jack and the rest of the gang. And I'm alright with Eva and Peeta and Haymitch and sometimes Effie. And then there's Mollie and Charl-"

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