Chapter 6

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I felt like a criminal.

We'd just broke into Johanna's house, we were searching though her stuff.

I felt terrible, but I suppose it would help her.

"I got it!" Katniss exclaims, holding up the piece of paper in triumph

The piece of paper said:

'Emergency with law.

The guy to call if I get arrested

Lightwood place

Apartment 24b

District 7'

"What's that say?" I ask, trying to make out Johanna's messy writing

"Lightwood place" Katniss replies. "I think"


I feel even worse now as we pull up to district 7, in Johanna's shiny black car.

"I've a bad feeling about this" Katniss remarked, as we pulled up next to apartment 24b

The walls were made up of red bricks. A large metal sliding door, with graffiti all over it.

"Is that a gang sign?" Katniss questions.

I gulped. It was.

It was the 'red serpents' gang sign. The red serpents were the most evil gang in the whole country.

Katniss looks up at me with doubt. I grip her hand tightly before banging the door.

The heavy metal door slides open, and a muscular, tattooed guy stands there.

"What do you want?" He snaps.

I grip Katniss' hand tighter.

"We want your help with a friend" Katniss admits. "We found the address on a sheet of paper, I mean, they could of moved or something, and you could be someone else, if which case we'd go and-"

"You think, if you'd gotten a mistaken identity, I could let you leave. Like without killing you?" He asks "what makes you think, a friend of yours, would know someone like me?"

"Well, I mean, she'd be that type of person I suppose"

"Dude, there's only one girl in our gang. The leader. And she's far too badass to be hanging about with the likes of you"

"Who's the leader of your gang then?" Katniss questions.

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you" he retorts, pointing a gun at us.

"Calm down" I replied. "Look, there's only two of us, and I promise we won't tell anyone if you tell us. We're not that kind of people."

He seems to consider this.

"Fine, but if you tel anyone, it won't be a finger you'll lose." He says

"Okay" I answered

Suddenly he points to me.

"If you tell anyone her name. I'll cut of your.... Your leg. Yes that'll do"

I burst out laughing.

"I'm serious" he says. "You know, only having one leg would suck"

"Tell me about it!" I replied, still laughing. "I lost mine years ago"

"Well then, we'll think of something. Come in before someone sees you." He grumbled.

"Now our leader is pretty well known, okay? So don't tell anyone her name."

"We won't" Katniss reassured.

"Fine. Okay. Our leaders Johanna Mason" he says. "See, I told you that you don't know her"

"Actually, Johanna's the person we came here to speak about" Katniss replies. "She was arrested, and we want to break her out"

"You'd need to know how to use a weapon, pick a lock, and hotwire a car."

"Which I can" Katniss pipes up

"Well I can use a bo-"

"I know you! Now I know how you know Johanna!" He exclaims.

"You do?" I ask

"Sure I do. You're Peeta and she's Katniss, right? I'm Jack by the way"

"Yeah" I answered.

"Guys! Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen are here to help us break Johanna out of jail!" Jack calls

"No way!" Another guy says

"Let's break her out"

Authors note: soooooo, Johanna leads a gang.


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