Chapter 26

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Johanna's POV

My heads pounding. I drank way too much last night. Katniss had to sort of half drag, half carry me to my room, she left me on my bed and told me to sleep before leaving. It's 6am now. I've only gotten about 4 hours of sleep. She left me on my bed, and I'm now half hanging off it onto the floor. I get up, stumbling into the bathroom. My hairs a mess, and I look completely wasted.

I give up all attempts of making myself look alive, so I just strip and jump into the shower. I get out, drying myself off and brushing my hair. I walk naked down the stairs and into the laundry room. (Which is one of the best perks of living alone) I find some clean underwear, putting them on before walking to my room.

I pull a red low cut top over my bra, before slipping a faded pair of light blue jeans on. I put a pair of grey and blue stripy socks on, and kick on my running shoes. I deem myself human, grab my car keys and jog out to my car, axe in hand.

I drive slowly and carefully until I'm out of district 12 boundaries before speeding off.

My cars built for speed, a sleek black high speed car. There's speed limits, and I know I'm exceeding them, I'm good of charming my way out of tickets though, so I speed on and I reach district 7 boundaries before 11am. Pulling up at my house in victors village, (I have one in 7 and one in 12) I leave my car there, before walking to the main gang meeting place, which was basically just an abandoned house in the worst part of district 7. It would look suspicious if police saw a very expensive sports car outside the rough areas of district 7.

I take my usual route, so that no one would see me, cutting through the alley, axe swinging by my side. I jog up the stairs, banging at the large metal door, which had most of the previous graffiti scraped off.

"Open the fucking door or I'll shove my axe in your faces" I scream.

The door slides open.

"Thank god you're here" Jack says

"Where's Jake?"

"He's in here" Paul says as he pulls open the door to he closet.

"How dare you keep me in here. You don't get to call the shots around here!" Jake exclaims

"Yes, you're right, they don't. I do. So you're going to explain everything. Right now." I tell him

"Shit" he mutters, "I was only joking about the police, I swear."

"Well, we don't think it's funny"

"Yeah, I get that I just didn't think they'd call you and -" Jake stutters

"The thing is, how can I possibly know if you're going to give us up?"

"Are you going to kill me?" He asks defiantly

"No" I tell him

"Seriously?" He gasps, his eyes lighting up.

"I won't kill you, if you do me a favour."

"I knew there was a catch" Jake muttered

"I heard that" I replied "do you want to live or not?" I ask

He nods, playing with his thumbs. "What do I need to do?"

"There's this guy, he goes by the name Gale Hawthorne, he currently resides in district 2, and I don't like him."

"So you want me to beat him up? Hurt him? Abduct him?"

"No" I tell him.

"Then what?"

I lean forward in my chair, resting my arms on my legs. "I want you to kill him"

Authors note: the next chapter Might be in Johanna's POV, but if it is it will be the last one

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