Chapter 36

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Ash's POV

I don't like Peeta, I mean, I know I should, but I can't help but hate him

I mean, it's just the way he looks at Katniss.

I used to look at my wife like that. But that's because I loved her.

I think that Peeta only wants Katniss for sex. I know that's judgmental of me, I mean he seems like a great guy and all, but I just get that feeling. A gut feeling they call it, I'm walking back to the house I share with Steve and Matthew when I bump into Johanna.

"Hey" I say


"Nothing really, just walking, what were you doing?"

She holds up her axe as if the answer was obvious. "Hurting a tree because I'm pissed off."


"So why the glum face?" She asks

"I was just thinking"

"About what?"

"You're not going to let this go, are you?"


I sigh "Fine, I was thinking about Peeta"

"Peeta? Why? What about Peeta?"

"I just don't like him. Gut feeling"

"What does your gut not like about him?"

"I don't know, I guess I think he's, well, I don't know, using Katniss"

She raises her eyebrows "I can put your gut at ease and tell you that there's no way that's true. He actually really loves her, I mean like he loves her more than I've ever seen anyone love anyone, it's sickening actually. It's all love and flowers and hearts and all things disgusting"

"Fine, sure you're probably right"

"I'm always right." She says. "So how's the fucknut?"

"Uh, who?"

"Who do you think? I hope he's dying"



"He's good"

"Tell him I wish him pain and bad health"

"You hate him that much?" I ask

"Yeah, he's a dick"

Peeta's POV

"What are we gonna do today?" Katniss asks

"We could go down to the bakery?" I suggest "teach Willow how to bake and roll Rye in flour"

She laughs. "Sounds like a plan" she says as Willow finishes her cereal

I scoop up Rye from his chair, and Katniss grabs Willows hand as we make our way down to the bakery.

I didn't work, we just messed around, we taught Willow how to bake.

Then we messed about out back with the flour. Throwing it wildly at each other. Willow squealing as the flour rained down on her.

We shook the rest of the flour out of our hair.

"See you later, Mollie" Katniss says

"See you!" Mollie replies.

We're about to leave when Johanna walks in.

"Hey brainless, hey bread boy. I want cake" she says

"Sorry, but we don't sell cake here" I reply sarcastically.

"Shut up."

"Okay, don't kill us! Help yourself."


"Why are you so pissed anyway?" Katniss asks

"The worlds biggest asshole came to my house today, and apparently, if I kill him, I'll be the one in shit. So yeah, I'm pissed"

"Who's the worlds biggest asshole?" Katniss asked, "wait, is it Gale Hawthorne?"

"Close, and funny. But no."

"Then who is it?"


"Why'd he come to your house?" I ask, Katniss' dad had told us about Steve and his relation to Jo.

"Because he's an asshole that thinks I owe him" she complains. "That's fucking bullshit anyway."

"Yeah, it is" Katniss agrees.

"Yeah, apparently murder is illegal now, fuck them stupid laws. I'm going to go home, eat this cake and then do something illegal"

"You're not going to kill him, are you?" Katniss asks.

"No, I'll just go steal a car or some shit like that, maybe get in a police chase, that'll be fun"

"I don't think that's a good idea" I tell her.

"And I don't care what you think."

"Look, maybe you should sleep on it and maybe -" Katniss starts.

"I'm not a fucking kid. I'm 28 and nobody is going to fucking stop me doing illegal shit, understand?"

"Whatever" Katniss sighs, "just don't expect me to pay your bail"

"You'll pay my bail Brainless, you always do"

"Maybe I won't this time"

"Whatever" Johanna answers, grabbing a cake and walking out.

Authors note: I am so sorry about the long waiting time for this update, I've just been really busy with loads of different stuff, the next chapter will probably be the last, but I'm not sure yet, and I'll definitely write a follow up book.

QOTD: what should I call my next book? If I'm going to use your idea I'll dedicate the next chapter to you, because I can't think of anything right now

Love you 😘

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