Chapter 24

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Today's our first day home as a family, and it's perfect, Exocet for the fact that Johanna, Haymitch and Effie are all fighting and Eva, Annie and Finn are on their way. It was going to be a full house. Katniss and I get stuck with the unfortunate task of making food for everyone, and Effie is a very picky eater, so that will be a challenge in itself.

"2 weeks and 6 days" Katniss whispers.

"Huh?" I ask confused.

"You have to wait 3 weeks until it's safe to have se-"

"Oh!" I exclaim "so day one is complete"

"Exactly" she whispered

"I can't wait" I whispered

"Same here" she says, gently stroking my hand

"I love you"

"I love you too" she whispers as she picks up two plates. I pick up the rest and we carry them into the living room.

We eat dinner of our knees.

"So, I was thinking, next week, drinking games?" Johanna asks

"Is that seriously the first thing you thought of?" Katniss questions

"Yeah, you've no excuses now, so you two have to go"

"And what if we can't find a babysitter" Katniss' challenges

"Then I'll find you one"

"I don't know about you guys, but I wouldn't trust someone Johanna Mason recommends to look after kids"

Haymitch and I burst out laughing. Effie looks like she's about to.

Haymitch puts his left arm around Effie and his feet on the table.

Effie pulls away quickly before screaming "that in mahogany!"

Katniss laughs.

"What's so funny Katniss?" Effie asks annoyed.

"You said that before. When I stabbed the table"

"I remember that" I say

"You stabbed a table?" Johanna questions.

"Yeah, Haymitch was annoying me and basically telling us that we were going to die and he wouldn't even try to help us, so I got a knife and stabbed the table, for the record I meant to get his fingers, but then Effie got annoyed."

"Did she say it in a Capitol accent?" Jo asks

"Of course she did" Katniss replies leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Any final advice on how to piss of alcoholics?" Johanna asks sarcastically

Katniss sees the opportunity. "Stay alive" she replies.

Haymitch, Effie, Katniss and I start laughing. Johanna doesn't get it.

"That brings back a thousand memories" Effie sighs

Authors note: sorry it's so short, this is a quick update for 3 reasons

1) I'm still addicted to that Kim kardashian hollywood game

2) I went on the internet on my ipad and it said I had a virus, so being terrible with computers I had to google it (turns out I haven't got a virus!!)

3) Now this is a damn good reason.









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