Chapter 34

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Johanna's POV

We arrive in district 2 around 7, so we decide to head straight to the club.

They made me take off my glasses. To identify me, but the dark blue eyeshadow and blonde wig get me in.

"Holy shit!" Kenzie exclaims. "You didn't get your ass kicked"

"One does not simply kick my ass, Kenzie" I reply. "I kick theirs"

"Of course you do"

We shove our way through the dancing people towards the bar.

"Two vodkas and lemonades please!" I shout over the music.

"I'll need an ID for that love!" He yells back.

"I'm clearly over 21" I shout back.

"I need proof!"

"Give me your ID" I hiss to Kenzie.

She hands me her ID discreetly.

I pass it to the bar guy.

He observes the licence, before believing it's me on the ID card. The blonde wig helps considerably.

He hands me the drinks.

Kenzie and I find a table.

The drinks start flowing, and I start talking.

I blurt out secrets I probably shouldn't of.

I lean up to her. "Do you know I have a gang?" I whisper

"Let me guess, your gang is the mafia."

"Nope, but I know the leader of the mafia" I tell her

"Shit!" I exclaim. "I need to shut up. Let's get another drink."

We make our way to the bar, and to my surprise, Jack and the guys are talking.

"We're the toughest gang in the whole fucking country, Chris. Of course we can do it" Jack says

"She'll kill us!" Chris exclaims.

"Not if we kill her first. She trusts me. We'll kill her then, then I'll take over."

"I don't want you to lead our gang. Johanna does a good job."

And that's when I tune out.

They're wanting to kill somebody. And that somebody is me.


I can't kill them now. There's five of them. . . And I'd get caught

Okay, think Jo, think.

"Holy shit, that's you" Kenzie whispers.

"I know. I need a plan"

"Call your mafia friends" she replies

"I fucking love you so much" I tell her, getting out my phone and sending a text.

'Hey Blake, it's Johanna. Can you maybe like save my ass? Long story short, these guys in my gang are planning my murder for some reason'

I pressed send

Not 20 seconds later I got a text.

'Hey Jo, we'll come save your ass, where are you at?'

'Club Electro, district 2. I'm wearing a blonde wig tho, so you might not recognise me.'

'Im actually on district 2 right now, we'll raid the place and stage your kidnapping! And I will ALWAYS be able to recognise you. Always. 😉'

'See you soon?'

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