Chapter 8

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The police were right. The prison had very high security, that even someone like Johanna couldn't break out. Visits were limited, and there was a huge amount of security everywhere.

So, we awaited the day of her trial.

It was a Tuesday, there were hundreds of photographers and journalists outside.

Katniss and I took our seats.

We waited.

"Johanna Mason, do you plead guilty or not guilty for the murder of Rory Hawthorne?" The judge boomed

Johanna noticeably rolled her eyes. "Not guilty"

"Let us see what the jury have decided" the judge says when the come back in

"We believe Johanna Mason is guilty." The jury answer.

"Oh shit" Katniss whispers.

"I now sentence you to 20 years in prison without possibility of parole"

Johanna's eyes widen in horror.

"I have to do something" Katniss whispers. "Before it's too late"

"Case dismissed" the judge says.

"No" Katniss says running up to the front. "It's not over yet."

"Yes it is" the judge says.

"Look" Katniss answers. "I've known Johanna Mason for several years now, and I know that she's a total bitch. She can be annoying, maybe assault a person, but I know, that she wouldn't kill someone"

"That's a lovely speech and all, but I think everyone knows Miss Mason has killed before, so it's not really surprising she'd kill again."

"That was the hunger games. It's kill or be killed. Do you honestly think there's one person in this room that wouldn't do the same in the same situation. I'm not saying Johanna is a saint. But I know she wouldn't kill again. Being in that arena changes a person. And I can tell you, that there's not one person in Johanna's situation that would kill again, except for maybe Enobaria. But she's completely different. Johanna's not like that. Just let her go, it's obvious she didn't do it."

I sucked in a breath. This was either going to go very, very good, or very, very bad.

"Well, I suppose there isn't actually any proof. I suppose, we could let you go, and then we could gather evidence." The judge says.

"Sounds good motherfuckers. See ya on the flip side" Johanna answers before walking over to Katniss, who then walks over to me.

"Are we leaving now?" Johanna asks.

"Yes, ugh, I hate these places. They certainly have a messed up justice system." I reply.


"Haha, fuck you" Johanna answers.

"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU. ALL OF YOU!" He screams from across the courtroom.

"Way to get us killed" Katniss mumbled.

We open the door, only for the paparazzi and journalists to swarm us like a hive of tracker jackers.

I grab Katniss' hand tightly.

"How does it feel to be free?" A reporter asks Johanna, who's now lost in the swarm.

"Did you kill him?"

"What are your thoughts on the issue?"

Johanna meets us on the other side. "Guys, I'm staying in 7 for a while, I'll see you soon."

"Okay, we're going back to 12" I say.

"No you're not, you've got that interview thingy with Caesar."


"I guess we'll rent a room in the Capitol tonight then." Katniss answers.

"Cool shit" Johanna replies. "Bye"

It took us 9 hours to get to the Capitol. It's now 8pm.

We manage to rent an apartment, which is great with such terrible notice.

Katniss takes out her laptop, before calling Haymitch. He picks up on the first ring.

"How's Willow?" She asks. I carefully sit down beside her.

"She's great. Willow!" He calls. She comes bounding over.

"Say hi to mommy and daddy" he says.

"Hi mommy! Hi daddy!" Willow says after climbing up onto the sofa.

"Hi sweetie" I reply.

"How's Haymitch treating you?" Katniss asks

"He's okay. Annie and Finny and Eva came over."

"Is that why you're still up then?" I ask.

She nods.

"We'll be coming home tomorrow sweetie" Katniss says.

"Good, 'cause I miss yous" she yawns.

"Sweetie, maybe you should get to bed, you seem tired" I reply.

"Okay daddy" she says.

"Goodnight sweetie, love you" Katniss and I say together.

"Love you too" Willow says, drowsily.

Haymitch and Annie take Willow upstairs. Eva sits down at the webcam.

"Hi guys" she says. "How'd Jo's case go"

"She nearly went down, but she's alright now, she's spending the night in 7" I tell her

"That's good. We'll need to arrange a get together sometime soon" Eva replies, tucking a lock of her long blonde hair behind her ear.

"That's a great idea, but I obviously can't drink." Katniss says.

"Duh! That means you get the best part. Being sober, so you can take pictures of the drunk ones, and then you can use them for blackmail."

"That's actually a really good idea" Katniss laughs. "I'll have so much shit on Johanna by the end of this."

"Exactly!" She muttered, "just don't take any pictures of me."

"No promises, Eva" Katniss answers as Haymitch and Annie come down the stairs.

"I'll try and get it arranged." Eva replies with a sly smile.

"Hey sweetheart, bread boy." Haymitch says.

"Hey Haymi-"

"Shit this is going to die. Annie, get the charger! If this dies, we'll talk tomorrow, oka-"

And with that the connection died.

"Looking forward to seeing Caesar tomorrow?" I ask, lying in bed, facing Katniss

"Not really" Katniss replies honestly. "I'll probably screw it all up."

"I can do the talking" I whisper, kissing her lightly.

"Thank you" she replies, scooting closer to me, and getting into our usual sleeping position.

Her legs are wrapped around mine, her arms around my torso, her head on my chest. I silently slip my arm around her.

"Goodnight beautiful" I whisper.

"Goodnight Peeta. I love you" she mumbles into my chest, her eyes already starting to close. "Forever and Always."

"I love you too." I reply, tightening my arm around her, "forever and always"

And then I shut my eyes.

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