Chapter 21

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Katniss' dads POV

"Pass me the remote" Steve demands

I reluctantly pass it.

Matthew, Steve and I now rent a house together, it's just a small house in the seam, and we don't actually have to pay for it, but it's better than the woods.

Matthew and I get on great, always have, and probably always will. We met in the woods one day, he explained he was supposed to be dead, I told him that I was also supposed to be dead, and we became friends.

But when Steve joined us, I immediately didn't like him. And now I know why.

It wasn't because, unlike us he didn't come from district 12. I just had a bad feeling, and I'll admit it, he was a bit arrogant and annoying. But when I found out, the other day, that he broke his daughters arm! That's just horrible!

There's a lot of bad things that I consider acceptable, but no matter how much your kids annoy you, you should never hurt them. I should know, I've got two of my own.

"Hey Ash, can I talk to you?" Matthew asks, breaking me away from my thoughts

"Sure" I reply.

"Upstairs" he demands.

I trudge up the stairs behind him.

"Why don't you go back?" Matthew asks.

"I don't know, I guess I'm scared to. The seam doesn't look the same. I'm scared to go back to my wife and kids. My eldest will be 25 in two months. My youngest will nearly be 21! I haven't seen them in about 14 years! They'll probably hate me."

"Remember when I told you that I met my nephew?"

"Yes, the one that stalks my daughter." I say tiredly.

"Well, he actually just admired from afar, but yeah sure, whatever floats your boat. Well anyway, Peeta, my nephew, is now married, with a kid, and another due very soon, right?"


"His wife's a lovely girl, you know?"

"That's amazing."

"His wife, is your daughter."

"What?" I ask

"Yep, all the stalking he did sure paid off. I'm going to tell you something, just promise not to speak until it's over"

I pretend to zip my lips.

"Okay, for the 74th games, Peeta, and your kid Primrose got reaped, Katniss volunteered in her place. Then they got to the Capitol and there was flaming costumes and great training scores, I think Peeta said she got an 11 on training. And then Peeta confessed his love to her during the final interview. They go into the arena, people die, Peeta teams up with the careers to try and get them away from her, cute right? Well anyway, after saving her, they realise what he's doing, so they try to kill him, and they make a new rule change so that the two of them can live so that all the love shit happens, right? So then love shit happens. There's two of them left. Yay they've won, right? Nope. They change the rule back, so they threaten to eat poison berries, so they both win. Turns out Katniss was bullshitting about being in love with him too, Show gets pissed, goes to Katniss and threatens to kill her and her family, then on the victory tour, rebellion shit happens, fake engagement to keep Snow happy, Snow gets more pissed, makes the victors go into the arena in the quarter quell, Katniss gets reaped. Haymitch gets reaped. Peeta volunteers. Shit happens, both get a training score of 12. Go into the arena with people like Finnick Odair, Mags Cohen, Johanna Mason. Blah blah, people die. The arenas like a clock. Katniss, Peeta, Johanna, Finnick, Blight, Mags, Wiress and Beetee team up. Mags, Blight and Wiress die. Katniss blows up arena. Her, Finnick and Beetee get rescued by District 13, Capitol gets Peeta, Johanna, Enobaria and takes Annie Cresta from 4. She won the year you died by the way. The ones in the Capitol get tortured. The fucked with Peeta's mind so that he hates Katniss. They get rescued. Rebellion happens. Finnick dies. They're about to win, when someone else dies, I'll tell you who in a minute. That fucks Katniss up. Shit happens. Peeta and Katniss fall in love. Bam! 1 child and another on the way!"

"Holy shit" I whisper.

He gives me 5 minutes to let that sink in.

"Wait, you said someone else died." I state.

"There was a bomb, and all these Capitol kids died, so they sent in rebel medics, they tried to help, and there was another bomb that killed them. But the thing is, and I won't lose respect for you if you cry, but one of the rebel medics was your daughter. Prim died."

I did cry. I cried a lot. But at the end, I decided I would call in about a week with Katniss. But I went to bed early, at like 2pm, crying myself to sleep.

Authors note: So, a visit soon.

Can I just say that's it's 4.27am my times to right now 😂😂😂

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