Chapter 17

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Katniss lays with her head on my lap, while Willow sat of the floor colouring in.

I gently stroke Katniss' hair.

"I love you" I whisper

"I love you too" she replies as Buttercup comes running through the cat flap.

He jumps up on the sofa. Hissing furiously.

"Calm down" Katniss whispers to him. He pads over to Katniss head, he nudges his head into hers, mewing constantly.

"Why the hell is he being so nice to me?" Katniss asked

"Maybe he's become sentimental" I tease, leaning down and kissing her head.

Katniss sits up beside beside me, leaning her head on my shoulder. Buttercup sits beside her.

It's almost as if - and then it hits me - it's almost as if he was guarding her.

But why would he do that?

Katniss presses her lips to mine.

Buttercup hisses again.

Running for the door.

Not the one with the cat flap. He ran towards the front door.

Less than a minute later there's a bang at the door.

We cautiously open it, but it's just Johanna, Haymitch and Effie.

"Thought you were someone else, buttercups been acting weird"

"Maybe it's like the movies!" Johanna exclaims. "Like where the cat or dog senses something and then a murderer breaks in with a chainsaw and kills everyone."

"I don't think that's plausible" I say.

"Good point! I mean, my axe is right here. Ain't nobody be murdering me."

"Yeah" Haymitch says sarcastically. "Axe versus chainsaw. Let's see who'll win"

"Obviously me, because I'm fucking awesome." Johanna laughs.

"Johanna" Katniss whispers. "Language"

"Maybe Buttercup secretly likes you, Katniss" Effie puts in.

"I thought he was being sentimental"

"Let's vote!" Johanna says. "Put your hand up if you think he's being nice."

Effie and I put our hands up. "Anyone else?" Johanna questions.

"Me!" Willow says, sticking her hand up. "Maybe he's happy"

"Okay, so there think he's in a good mood" Johanna continues. "Stick your hand up if you think a murderer will arrive"

Johanna and Haymitch stick their hands up.

"What about you, Katniss?" Effie asks, noticing Katniss hasn't risen her hand yet.

"I think he's sick. It's out of character."

"Have you got any wine?" Haymitch asks

"No" I reply.

"Liar" he challenges before getting up to find it and returning less than a minute later with a bottle of red wine.

"Haymitch! Have some manners!" Effie snaps. "You're supposed to ask first"

"Yeah, sure. Okay whatever." Haymitch says. "You could do with a drink"

He passes the bottle to Effie.

"This isn't funny!" She snaps.

Just then there's a bang at the door.

"That'll be the murderer. I'll go open the door, shall I?" Johanna winks. "I'll be the stupid one in the movies that opens the door and gets immediately killed"

Johanna reluctantly stands up. Heading out the living room door and into the hallway.

"Where's Katniss?" A voice asked. Gale's voice.

Johanna bursts into tears.

"She died!" She wails. "We all went to see Annie and there was a jet skiing incident."

"I know you're lying. Where is she?"

"Fine. Okay. I'm lying. But I'm not telling you."
"Move" he demands.

There's a scuffle at the door.

"Sure, I'll move. Just give me your gun first"


"460XVR revolver." Johanna says casually


"I heard they're pretty powerful"

"They are. I'm surprised you know anything about guns." Gale replies.

Johanna loads the gun and does an air shot. "I'm best known for killing and hurting people. Of course I know a little something about guns"

"Good point."

"I heard you got shot a year or two ago."

"Yeah, most people say you had something to do with it, now can I please come in."

"What! Me?" Johanna says in fake surprise. "I could never shoot someone."

And with that the bullet goes off.

"You fucking bitch!" Gale screams. "You just shot my foot."

"Thank you." Johanna says. "Please come again"

And with that she closes the door on him.

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