Chapter 18

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"Don't worry." I whisper to Katniss after Johanna, Haymitch and Effie (who was staying at Haymitch's house until Rye arrived) had went home.

"I guess Johanna and Haymitch were right." She says, yawning.

"Are you tired?" I ask.

"I'm wrecked." She replies.

"Well it is late" I say.

I lift her up from the sofa and carry her up the stairs bridal style before gently laying her on the bed. She kicks off her clothes. And settles down under the blankets. I wrap my arms around her cold body, pulling her closer.

After ten minutes she asks, "Peeta, are you awake?"

"Yeah" I whisper.

I feel her hands grip mine as she slowly moves my hands down to her bump.

"Feel anything?" She asks.

And I can. I feel him kicking.

"He's kicking" I whisper. "He's a bit violent too"

Katniss laughs.

"He's never kicked this hard before" I state.

"Maybe he wants out" Katniss whispers. "He's only got two more weeks to go"

"I can't wait to meet him" I reply

"Same here."

And with that we fall asleep.

Katniss' POV

I fall asleep quickly, but my dream wasn't exactly pleasant.

I was with Finnick, and we were sitting on one of the bunks in that bomb room thing in District 13.

For some reason there was a large TV, and president Coin put it on.

"I really hate her" Finnick whispered to me.

"Me too"

The TV show changes and suddenly goes black. Just a black screen.

I remember watching this before. It was one of the Capitol propos. Staring Peeta.

It was short though.

"And you... In thirteen.... Dead by morning" Peeta says to the camera.

His blood splatters on the tiles.

I scream in the dream.

The bombs start.

One of them bombs a door, releasing lizard mutts which quickly come over to maul Finnick.

I try to help him.

I can't.

He dies.

Another bomb comes straight through the roof.

It hits Prim.

She dies.

I'm bawling in my dream now.

The TV switches on.

Peeta's on the floor.

Everyone I care about, except for him is dead. I have to help him.

I run towards the TV, not knowing what I'll do when I get there.

I'm almost at the TV.

A bullet goes through his head.

He dies.

I wake up.

Peeta's POV

"Shhh, it's okay." I whisper as she cries into my chest.

"Promise you won't die on me" she chokes out.

"I won't" I whisper, "I promise"

I sit with her until she cries herself out.

And then I slowly drift off to sleep.

My dream wasn't pleasant either.

Katniss is there.

She's on the ground

It's not until I get over to her that I realise she's hurt

"What happened?" I asked.

"The girl from 2. She threw I knife." She whispers.

I realise where we are now.

We're in the cave in our first games.

"It's okay" I tell her whole cleaning up her head wound.

It seems like there's an endless stream of blood.

"Stay with me" she whispers intensely, starting to pass out.


The cannon drowns out the last of my words.

"Katniss?" I ask, gently shaking her.

She doesn't move.

"KATNISS!" I scream, shaking her harder.

She still doesn't move.

She's dead.

I'm crying now.

"No!" I wail "please don't be dead. You can't be dead. I love you"

But it's too late. She is.

I bolt upright.

"Peeta?" Katniss asks.

She sees my expression. "Oh Peeta"

She hugs me tight to her chest while I sob.

"Is there anything you want?" She asks.

Usually when I wake up I calm down quickly, but that doesn't seem to be happening

"No" I whisper "wait, yes! Sing something."

"Uh oh, like what?"

"Any song. No, wait, the valley song"

"Okay" she whispers, starting the song.

"Thank you" I whisper when she's finished. "That helped"

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asks

"You, you di- you died" I tell her

"Shhh, it's okay. I'm still here, aren't I?"

I nod.

"I love you" she mumbles.

"I love you too" I reply, kissing her softly.

We're Still On Fire (Katniss and Peeta)Where stories live. Discover now