Chapter 14

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I decided to bring my uncle home, and to introduce him properly to Katniss, and Willow (who is probably home by now)

"Okay, please. Be nice." I tell him

"Of course I will. Any golden rules?" He teased

"Just one." I say. "Don't bring up Katniss' sister. It upsets her. Okay?"

"I wasn't going to" he mutters. "You know, I've never actually seen Victors village, let alone inside the houses." He tells me, changing the subject as we make our way down the road that leads to Victors village.

"Yeah, it's nice." I reply. "They're huge inside"

He lightly shoves my shoulder. "When I said I was proud of you earlier. I meant it. You've accomplished everything you've ever wanted. Even if you had to go to hell and back to get it."

"Thank you."

"Holy shit. This place is amazing!" He exclaims. "I love the fence around it."

"Yeah, it's pretty cool." I say as we reach the wrought iron gates.

"So how many of the houses are occupied?" He asks.

"Three." I tell him. "Ours, Haymitch's and Johanna's."

"Great neighbours" he jokes.

"They're not all bad. Johanna's a good person. Well, she's sometimes. And we only see Haymitch occasionally."

"Is this your house?" He asks as we walk up the short pathway to the door.


"It's huge"

"It is. 6 bedrooms. 7 bathrooms." I tell him as I turn the key in the door.

I can immediately hear Willow giggling from the living room.

"Follow me" I tell him walking into the living room.

Willow and Katniss are sitting on the floor. Newspaper spread all over the floor. Paint messily splattered on sheets of paper.

"Daddy!" Willow screams wrapping her arms around my legs.

"Sweetie, your hands are all paint, go wash them first" I tell her.

"Okay" she says rushing up the stairs to the bathroom.

"This is my uncle Matthew" I tell Katniss.

He extends his arm. She grips his hand and shakes it. "I'm Katniss"

"I've heard about you" he tells her.

"Should I be worried about that." She asks laughing

"Yes" I tell her. "I did stalk you, remember?"

"Ah, yes. I remember, you followed me home from school."

"Technically, I only watched you"

She laughed. "That's totally not worrying." She answers sarcastically

"But I do love you" I tell her, wrapping my arms around the tops of her shoulders.

Willow walks in.

"And this is Willow" I tell him.

"This is Matthew" I tell her, as Katniss picks her up.

"Hi" she mumbles, going red and burying her face into Katniss' neck.

"She's shy" I explain, as Katniss gently ruffles Willows dark ringlets.

"It's okay" he replies.

"Want anything to eat?" I ask

Everyone did, so Matthew comes into the kitchen with me to help, while Katniss and Willow cleared the floor.

"She's a lovely girl, I can understand why you're in love with her" he tells me. "You're happy, I know that. She's perfect for you. And your daughter is cute. I don't really know where she got the shyness from though. Neither of you strike me as being shy people."

"We're not. Katniss and I think it's just a phase she's going through."

"You're probably right." He replies. "Let's bring the food in"

"Do you want to stay here?" I ask

"I would, but I'm going to see if I can bunk with some friends first."

The cat flap bangs.


And in walks Buttercup, or as I call him the King of Sassiness who comes and goes as he pleases.

"Awesome" Katniss moans. "You're here"

Buttercup hisses back at her.

"I hate you too" Katniss says in Buttercups direction.

"Fond of animals, huh?" Matthew asks.

"He's not mine" Katniss states. "I merely put up with him when he comes to visit."

"Who's cat is he then?" He questions.

I glare at him from across the room. Shaking my head slightly.

"He used to belong to my sister." Katniss says blankly.

"I'm so sorry." He replies.

"No, don't be. You wouldn't of known. It's okay now anyway. Really it's.... It's fine"

I wrap my arm around her rubbing my thumb in soothing circles on the top of her arm.

"How about we play a game of poker." Katniss suggests.

"Sounds good. I'll get the cards." I say.

Katniss plays well. She's good at poker. She beats us all, until I get a very, very good hand.

She had a very very good hand as well, but mine was better and I won.

"Who's up for monopoly." I ask.

"I am, I'll beat you all" Katniss announces. "I'm great at that. I used to play it all the time."

And she must have, because she quickly erected hotels, so we quickly lost all our money while she reaped in the profit.

"We should have game nights more often" she says. "I'll take Willow to bed"

She lifts Willow, who's asleep up and carries her up the stairs.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know about the cat thing. I feel terrible."

"You wouldn't of known, we weren't expecting a visit from the king of Sassiness tonight. He's hardly ever here. Buttercup comes and goes as he pleases."


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