Chapter 29

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"I'm going to make this the time of your life" she tells me. She plants her lips firmly on mine.

Katniss grabs my hand, pulling me eagerly up the stairs.

"Now" she whispers. "I'm going to get changed, you wait here"

She pulls out a bag and her dressing gown. "Do I get to see what's in the bag?" I ask

"Not yet" she whispers. "But soon"

She rushes into the bathroom to get changed and onerous wearing her dressing gown.

She pulls out the chair from under the dresser. "Make yourself comfortable" she murmurs, guiding me onto the chair.

"What's your plan?" I ask

"I'm not going to tell you" she replies, getting out a blindfold.

"Seriously?" I moan "a blindfold, really?"

"There's good reasons for it" she answers, tying it loosely around my head.

I feel her lips press onto mine. She straightens up, as I hear her dressing gown drop to the floor.

"Now you're doing this on purpose" I accuse.

"Yup, pretty much"

She grabs both my wrists before sitting on my lap, facing me and trailing kisses along my jaw bone.

"That feels good" I moan, unaware I'm about to speak until I've already said it.

"I haven't even started" she whispers. "Now don't move your arms"

I decide to listen to her demands with what little willpower I could manage. I don't move my hands.

She slowly unbuttons my shirt. Teasing me.

"Stop teasing me" I complain as she slowly strips off my clothes.

She presses her lips to my neck, "but that's all part of the fun"

Eventually, after what seems like years, I'm sitting on the chair, fully naked, with her on top of me. She grabs my hands and and she presses her body as close to mine as she can, I can tell that she's wearing a very short dress, possibly lingerie. The crushes her lips to mine again, slowly moving onto my jaw, my neck, my collarbone, my chest. She stops suddenly, letting go of my hands. "Okay" she whispers seductively in my ear. "Have a feel about, guess what I'm wearing"

I don't think twice, slowly trailing my fingers along her body, it's definitely lingerie, I confirm to myself. I continue to trail my fingers along her body, I discover that it's low cut, and it ends very suddenly at the top of her thighs. My hands linger at the top of her thighs, slowly edging up the bottom of the corset thing, she presses her lips to mine. "Someone's feeling adventurous" she comments before kissing me passionately again, I feel her hands go up to the back on my head, her fingers rushing through my hair, pulling off the blindfold. She continues to kiss me while doing this. She pulls away, and I open my eyes, and wow!

"You look so beautiful" I whisper, crushing my lips onto hers.

"You don't look so bad yourself" she mumbles, stepping off me, kissing the back of my neck and pulling me to my feet.

She presses her lips to mine, harder and more urgent before, I grab one of her legs, pulling it above my waist, before hitching her other leg up as well so that I was literally carrying her.

She pulls away for breath before kissing me again, and that's when we (literally) fall onto the bed.

Authors note: so I'm going to put the drama and the visit in the next chapter instead, hope you enjoyed it

QOTD: What's your favourite Katniss quote in either The Hunger Games, Catching Fire or Mockingjay?

^ I kind of like hearing your favourite quotes! and I'll probably update tomorrow!

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