Chapter 35

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Johanna's POV

Mafia HQ is basically just a giant house outside of district 4. A giant house topped with electrical gates, a force field so police hovercraft scant get in, which can be turned off to let their helicopters and hovercrafts in and out whenever.

There's a long driveway, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, private theatres, large board rooms with walls made of glass, water features, plush living quarters and anything else you can think off.

Being friends with Blake, the mafia boss, means I get special treatment. I'm directed to one of the best rooms. It was on 'star corridor' which contained the best rooms.

So basically, it contained my room, and then opposite that, there was Blake's room, and there was an empty room. At the end of the corridor there's a door to stop people going in, and I'm given the code to it.


I'll need to remember that so I don't get locked out.

Blake tells me that he sent some guys out to shop for me so I'd have clothes, and to see if any of them fit.

He tells me to get change into something businesslike, so I get changed into a red strapless dress and 2 inch heels. I'm very small, so I could do with 6 inch heels, but I knew I'd fall over if I tried, so I didn't. Blake's waiting for me outside my door.

"Figured you get lost" he says, before turning around. "You coming?"


He unlocks the end if the corridor door before turning around to hold it for me.

"Woah! Johanna, you look stunning!"

I immediately look down at his shiny black shoes "uh, thanks Blake"

"My pleasure" he replies confidently

He circles his arm around me, leading me through several corridors before we come to a room, with two dark double doors, guarded by two mafia members, also in suits. Whatever was in this room was important, and I was about to find out.

The guards, who also served as doormen opened the doors as Blake led me in, he sat down at the centre seat of the large table, guiding for me to sit down beside him.

It's about 1am now, so I don't have any idea why they'd have a meeting now.

It seems to be about just the normal mafia stuff, so I tune out until a server asks me if I want a glass of wine. I agree and a minute later I'm presented with a glass of wine.

I drink it slowly, due to the fact I already had quite a few vodka and lemonades earlier.

I'm glad now that I'm only wearing 2 inch heels after I accept the second and third glass of wine.

I realise I'm probably a little more drunk that I intended to be, so I decline the fourth wine.

The rest of the mafia guys are talking about some government officials who had done something on them, (catching another mafia guy. . . I think) and how they wanted revenge.

Blake announces that it's time to go, and that we'll all have to be up for 10. Another meeting.

He leads me back to my room.

"Goodnight Johanna" he tells me "see you at 10"

I quickly strip out of the dress before snuggling up under the sheets.

I wake up around 8, have a shower, get changed and explore the large bookshelf beside my bed.

At exactly 10am I hear a knock at my door.

It's the same thing for days.

Get up.

Go to a meeting.

Do fun stuff.


Another meeting.


Dinner time was always a laugh. I spent most of my time with Blake and we did the stupidest stuff, like skateboarding down the hall, wiggling through rooms on our stomachs, dancing crazily to loud music. Fun stuff.

We'd decided that I was going to stay exactly a week. Then I would 'escape' in some awesome way. It was on the 6th night that it happened, Blake and I were outside, throwing frisbees to one another, we'd just started going in, as it was starting to get dark, we'd think of something else to do later. We were walking down an isolated corridor, we were joking and laughing, when all of a sudden he grabbed me and gently pressed his lips to mine.

There's something about the kiss that makes me want more. He's just so gentle with me, no one is ever gently with me.

He pulls away, looking down immediately.

I slowly lift my hand, resting it on his face and stroking my thumb along his cheek and down to his jaw before placing it on his soft lips.

He makes eye contact with me, just for a second, his brown eyes shining.

And that's all he gets, because I press my lips onto his, gently at first, but picking up speed and force. The kiss gets heated and I shove him against the wall, kissing him passionately.

We break away for breath. "You're so. . . Dominant" he whispers, before leaning in again.


Nothing much happens, at dinner, we sit beside each other as we usually do, we're eating and chatting with everyone, when he deliberately places his hand at the top of my leg, stroking it gently. I shiver slightly, trying to maintain normal conversation.

We sleep together too. Not sex, we simply slept in each other's arms. I felt safe in his arms. He was a nice guy, but not too nice, and he was strong. I felt protected, and I fell asleep at ease.

However, the next day, it's time for my miraculous 'escape'

"I'll call you" Blake whispers in my ear. "I'll see you soon"

"Okay" I reply

Authors note: I'm really sorry for the late update, the next chapter will either be in Katniss or Peeta's POV. There'll only be 1 or 2 chapters left of this book, but there'll be another sequel book, as I feel there's too many issues that need resolving.

QOTD: Favourite song/Album?

For me it's probably Sia's new album, it's really moving

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